Chapter 15

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"Thank you. For everything. It really means the world to me. I was having literally the worst day ever until I came home and you all surprised me with the best party in years. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am to you." I say to my roommate.

He turns around and smiles to me.

"That's the least I could do for my best friend."

I open my arms and hug him tightly. How I love this guy. If only...

"I don't think I gave my present to you yet." He takes a step backwards to be able to look me in the eye.

"Well where is it?" My voice is as eager as a child's but that is just who I am.

"Here, listen to me." He takes a deep breath and says three words and a question that changes my life. "I love you, will you be my boyfriend?" He closes his eyes, scared to hear the answer.

Another lovely surprise. I hug him tighter than ever.

"Yes, I will. I love you too." I whisper the words in his ear and I can feel him relax.

"To prove this to you, I even bought you a necklace. I know necklaces aren't exactly expected to be worn by boys but you aren't just any boy. You are my boy." He pulls away and helps me put the necklace on.

It's a pretty long chain so I can hide it under my shirt if I feel like it. It's a small red heart and next to it the letters 'D' and 'P'.

"I absolutely adore you."

He leans in to kiss me. When he pulls away I answer him

"I love you too." He kisses me again and again.

The last thing I think of before I fall asleep in my boyfriends arms that night is what Pj said to me when I asked who organised the party.

He said: "It was Dan. He did everything, he really cares about you. He was the one behind it all."


This is the end of this story. I'm sorry it was this short and ended quite abruptly. :C

Please tell me what you thought and maybe leave a vote if you have time? ^-^

I love all of you readers and could not be more grateful for you. Thank you for actually making it through this weird fic. You are the best in the world and I thank your patience. <3 You are awesome!

Now that I really am done with this one I feel sad. What should I do now? :(

~ Stella

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