Meeting him for the "first" time

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DiNg~dInG~DiNG .
An alarm went off , which disturbed a beautiful bunnys sleep.
"Mmmm" the bunny boy groaned as he clicked off the alarm. Sighing as he got up from the bed he looked next to the night stand and saw an empty bed.
"He must of got up early " he said while yawning. Just then he heard the bathroom door clicked and saw his dorm mate. "oh your up" his roommate said "Yeh jimin why didn't you wake me up " Jungkook said "Sorry you looked tired so I let you sleep anyways get ready Suga said if he can pick us up after first period since it's a free block today to meet up in the garden to chill and hang out everyone else agreed" jimin says as he puts his shoes on.
"Ok let me take a shower and we'll go or so you want to go with ~Suga~" jungkook said teasingly. "Shut up " jimin said as he blushed . Before jungkook could speak there was a knock on the door
Jungkook went to open it as jimin grab his bag .

"Hey kookie is Jimin here " , said Suga "Oh yeh hyung he's here he's just grabbing his ba- " Hey yoon"Jimin said as he cut off jungkook. "Hey baby" Suga said as he pecked jimin's lips "Eh hem I'm still here you know young and single " Jungkook said dramatically. "Sorry kook, anyways Yoon can jungkook ride with us? " "Of course , but wht time do y'all want to leave? " Well I have to take a shower and get ready so an hour you and jimin can watch a movie or pick out snacks for the hang out"Jungkook suggested "Yeh yoon can we watch a movie plz " jimin asked with his mochi eyes and a slight pout . Suga immediately peck his pout "Of course baby anything for my angel. " Guy come on "jungkook whined " Fine go take a shower hurry up".

Jungkooks POV: Shaking my head I went towards my closet to choose any outfit . As I went to the bathroom I heard Jimin say "Oh btw jungkook taehyung is also coming along with us " He said teasingly "Shut up " I blushed while both yoonmin laughed at me. I hurriedly went to the bathroom as went and took a shower letting the water drain my thoughts but the only thing tht was on my mind was taehyung. He's the school heartthrob but doesn't talk to anybody except his friends and family. I'll save the small introduction later when we see him.

30 min later
As jungkook got dressed he herd a knock "Jimin can you open the door plz " jungkook said as he was fixing his hair. "Sure, oh hey TAEHYUNG" he said a little loudly so jungkook could hear. When jungkook did hear his name he immediately grabbed his phone put in his pocket and checked himself out one more time before going towards the living room( idk how dorms work yet so just stick with me) " Hi "taehyung said in his cold voice. Jimin pouted at tht " Yah at least talk to me nicely you donkey I'm your soul mate not your fan girls "Jimin said sassily. Meanwhile Suga, Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him in disbelief. " what ever, oh hey yoongs "as he gave him a light hug and He looked at jungkook up and down and looked directly in his eyes and said in a deep voice" Hey jungkook"."h-hi "jungkook said stuttering as taehyung looked handsome and hot as always as his voice sent chills down his spine. *Cute*Taehyung thought while keeping his eyes on jungkook.

*Damn it jungkook stop stuttering* Jungkook thought as he looked away from Taehyungs strong gase. " Anyways s-should we g-go "Jungkook said with pink cheeks and a shy smile. " Yeh let's go we still have time buy snacks come on.

                      THEIR OUTFITS

                      THEIR OUTFITS

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