Chapter eighteen

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Storm didn’t feel comfortable taking on his friend’s role. That was one of the things he admired about Fox, the fact that he was born to be a leader. He on the other hand was not.

                  “You’re doing fine. Stop worrying, I can smell fear all over you.” Amber had told him, but he was just waiting for something to happen to throw off that statement. His fears were obviously showing through as Angel came up to his side.

                  “Are you alright?” She asked.

                  “Is it that obvious?” Storm asked. She looked at him sympathetically and he sighed.

                  “You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Fox trusts you for a reason.”

                  “I guess you’re right.” Storm said and kicked a leaf out of the way.

                  “I usually am.” She smiled. Storm looked at her and laughed.

                  “Jeez, not modest are we?” He asked. She playfully shook her head and he laughed again. “So anyway, how are you and him going?” Storm asked with a mischievous grin. 

                  “What do you mean?” She asked innocently.

                  “Come on Angel, I’m not the only one showing their feelings.” Storm said.

                  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She denied.

                  “Alright, alright I get the picture.” Storm smirked.

                  “Getting back on topic, I think you are doing a good job. Natalie and Zephyr are getting along with everyone, Scar hasn’t attacked anyone for about an hour and people seem to be in good spirits.” Angel said. Storm smiled at her.

                  “Thanks Angel.” As he spoke they heard a snap followed by a glass-shattering shriek. Storm spun around to see the lower half of Scar’s body shredded in an animal trap. Scar continued to wail as Storm sprinted over to his side. “What the hell happened?” Storm asked. He felt fear shoot up his spine as he looked down at him and then at Jellicle who lay next to him.

                  “He saved me.” Jellicle murmured. His face was filled with shock and he shook he was so frightened. Storm heard Natalie try to comfort him as he and Zephyr tried to pry Scar from the trap. He gripped onto the rusty metal and pulled with all his might, but it just seemed to make the trap tighten.

                  “We can’t get him out!” Zephyr panicked. The barely conscious brown cat looked up at Storm. He started to say something, but it was so quiet that Storm had to lean right next to his face to hear him.

                  “Kill me.” Scar spluttered.

                  “What?” Storm asked.

                  “Kill me.” Scar said again. Storm backed away from him.

                  “I can’t do that!” He shrieked.

                  “What did he say?” Angel asked. Storm didn’t answer. Instead he just stared at him.

                  “Do it.” Scar demanded. Storm remained frozen. “DO IT!” Scar shouted and coughed up blood. It landed on the partially melted snow, tainting it with red. Scar started to pant heavily as he looked up at Storm. “Please.”

                  “What are we going to do?” Storm heard Amber ask the rest of the group. As they gathered around her and frantically chattered, he slowly walked over to Scar. His pleading eyes begging Storm to end his pain, burnt holes into his memory. For such a tough cat to get to this stage, Storm only had one thing he could do. He leaned over him and put Scar’s head on his shoulder. Then with his two big grey paws, he grabbed his neck, twisting until he heard a crack. Scar’s body went limp. Amber twisted her head to see Scar’s lifeless body.

                  “What did you do?” She asked. Storm slowly walked over to her with a pained expression.

                  “His last request.” He said softly. Amber didn’t take her eyes of the mutilated body. ”Please understand.” Storm watched as Jellicle sat next Scar.

                  “I was about to step on it, when he saved me.” Jellicle said quietly. “It should have been me.” Before Storm could comfort him, a very agitated voice rang around the valley.

                  “What is going on?” All eyes lay on Fox as he walked over into the middle of the group and stopped in front of Storm. His frustrated glare changed to pity as he looked over at Scar’s remains. “Oh god.” He said. Fox’s green eyes softened as he licked between Scar’s ears as a sign of respect. “How did this happen?” He asked.

                  “He stepped into the trap without knowing.” Storm said before Jellicle could say anything. “He was in so much pain and it would have taken him hours to bleed out, so he asked me to end it for him quickly.” He finished. Jellicle gave him a grateful look and continued to quietly grieve. Fox chose to ignore the glance and placed his red tail on Storm’s shoulder.

                  “You did the right thing.” He simply said. Storm only nodded. There wasn’t anything else he could do now.

OutcastsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora