Chapter ten

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It was midday when Fox returned. Amber and Storm were sunbaking, Bianco was talking to Daisy and Scar still wasn’t back from training.

                “Hey can I talk to you for a minute?” Fox asked.

                “Yeah sure, what’s up?” Amber replied. Storm rolled over and gave Fox a quizzical look.

                “I just saw Daisy talking to Gale.” Fox said.

                “Gale? Is she trying to get us killed?” Storm asked astonished.

                “I think she wants the ultimate protection for her children so she asked Gale to do something about it.” Fox whispered. “They made a deal, but I don’t know what Gale wants in return.” He continued.

                “What are we going to do? We can't attack Daisy otherwise she might bring Gale right to us.” Storm said.

                “For now, we won’t tell anyone, especially not Daisy. Just pretend that this conversation never happened. Tonight we’ll wait for her to leave and follow her to Gale. There we’ll find out what she is planning.” Fox said and received nods from both. “Get some sleep because it is going to be a long night.” He broke away from them and went over to where the training was being held.

                “Where have you been?” Scar asked as Fox approached.

                “I had to deal with something.” He said vaguely.

                “You finished?” He asked.

                “Yes. What are we up to?” Fox said.

                “I am teaching them how to confuse the enemy.” Scar said.

                “Wow, you are up to that already?” Fox asked.

                “Scar said we are fast learners!” Petal said.

                “Really? Show me.” Fox said. Petal got herself into a fighting stance and before Fox was ready for her, she shot straight at his stomach. Fox rolled onto his back and used his back legs to throw her off, but she was too fast. She pinned him down and put her front paw on his neck.

                “Well done! That was very good. If I were the enemy, I would be pretty scared.” Fox complimented as Petal took her paw off.

                ‘Thank you.” She said proudly.

                “Did Soot show you what he did this morning?” Fox asked. They continued to do training and hunting for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening, they returned to their makeshift camp and started to settle down and eat their well deserved dinner. Fox picked out a mouse and sat down next to Storm and Amber.

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