Chapter twenty

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It had taken a while, but after respectfully burring Scar, they continued forward. It was an eerie afternoon; the ground was covered in fog, and the last of the snow had melted leaving puddles of mud. Storm hadn’t spoken a word since then and Fox didn’t dare comfort him. This had happened before to Storm. When Fox had first met him, they were barely teenagers and Storm wasn’t alone. Storm’s first ‘ally’ as they called it, was a much older cat. Shortly after forming a strong friendship, Storm introduced Fox to him. He was not in good shape and Storm refused to believe it. When he passed away, Fox became very concerned with him. He no longer ate, hunted or cared for his fur. It took about two months before Storm spoke to Fox and by then he was a different cat. Fox was now worried that it was happening again. He was at the back of the group, dragging his mud soaked paws through the leaves.

                  “You should talk to him.” Amber suggested.

                  “Don’t you remember the last time we tried that?” Fox asked.

                  “Oh yeah, he almost bit my nose off.” She sighed.

                  “The best thing to do, is to leave him be. He deserves a little time to himself.” Fox said.

                  “You realise that Scar didn’t just step in that trap?” Amber asked quietly.

                  “I know.” He said. “But I don’t need to.” Amber nodded slowly.

                  “So, who’s this new member we haven’t been introduced to?” Amber asked changing the topic.

                  “Her name is Monica. She knows Bandit and Gale well. I’m hoping she can help us against her.” Fox said.

                  “Isn’t it kind of risky? She did used to be on Gale’s side.” She asked cautiously.

                  “Yes, but Bandit assures me she is for real.” Fox said.

                  “I don’t trust her.” Amber said and glared in her direction.

                  “You don’t even know her.” Fox said.

                  “I have a feeling she’s up to something.” She mused.

                  “You don’t trust anyone you don’t know.” Fox laughed.

                  “That’s not true! I barely know this group and I trust them.” She shot back.

                  “Yeah.” Fox said softly.

                  “What is it?” She asked.

                  “I knew that it was going to be hard, but I didn’t expect good people to die.” He answered. Amber looked at him sympathetically.

                  “I know how you feel. I thought it would end at Pumpkin, but I was wrong too.” She said.

                  “I’m sorry.” Fox said and drooped his head.

                  “What for?” Amber asked.

                  “I’m his brother, I should have protected him. And now you are in the line of fire and I can’t protect you either.” He said.

                  “You know what Pumpkin would have said if you had tried to look after him. He was twice as big as you are.” Amber said. “And if you try and treat me like a ‘damsel in distress’ I might have to pummel into the ground.” She smiled. Fox let out a weak laugh.

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