Chapter three

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It wasn’t difficult to find prey near the river. Fox caught site of a small water mouse and got into a hunting crouch. Carefully, without allowing the mouse to feel his pawsteps, he stalked it. Just as the mouse noticed he was there, Fox jumped on it and took its life painlessly.

                “Impressive.” Said a voice from the shadows. He spun around to face the voice, but before he had time to, it was on his back. He felt a huge weight push him down onto his stomach. Using all of his strength, Fox rolled over onto the attacker, to see a crazed black face smiling at him. Their sharp white teeth gleamed in the moonlight.

                “I see you haven’t lost your touch.”

                “What do you want from me, Gale?” Fox demanded. Gale overpowered him and threw him off and he landed with a thud. She bit down hard on his red tail and Fox let out a yowl of pain. He turned around and raked the side of her head with his claws and she let go. He could feel blood welling up in his tail, but ignored it for the time being.

                “You’re crowd is going rather slow. Do even know where you are going?” She snarled, her blue eyes were blazing with hatred. Fox stopped when he heard furious meows as Scar and Bianco ripped through the ferns and were glaring at Gale, ready to pounce. She looked once more at Fox and said,

“The island’s mine! If you step one paw on it, you’ll wish you never became leader.” She sprinted out of the bushes followed by Scar, who chased after her. Bianco looked over at Fox who was inspecting his tail.

                “You alright?” He asked once Gale was gone.

                “Yeah, she has one mighty bite though. How did you find me?” Fox queried.

                “We heard the fighting from all way over there.” Bianco said and pointed to the bushes that they were taking refuge in. “Your tail should be alright, it’s only a bite.” He murmured while examining it. “You should go back to camp, you look exhausted.” It was only until Bianco mentioned it, that Fox became overwhelmed with fatigue. He nodded and got up, but then remembered his prey.

                “I’ll go get your prey.” Scar said once he had come back, as if knowing what Fox was thinking. Bianco led Fox back to camp, where he found a soft patch of grass next to his sister and fell instantly to sleep.

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