Chapter eight

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The sun had well and truly set by the time Fox and Storm made it to the end of the cliffs. They stood at the edge looking out over the mountains.

                “Can you see them?” Fox asked peering over the top.

                “They’re over there.” He said and pointed to the bunch of small moving figures at the foot of the mountain.

                “If we get into a sprint we could meet up with them in a matter of minutes.” Fox said. “Are you fit enough?” He teased.

                “Is that a challenge? Because if it is I accept.” Storm smiled.

                “Ok let’s do this in a honourable manner.” Fox said, getting himself ready.

                “Count of three?” Storm asked, doing the same.

                “Sure. One, two...” Fox counted, but it was too late, Storm had run ahead. “HEY! CHEATER!” Fox called and started to run after him. He jumped off the side of the cliff and onto the rocks below. They scattered everywhere as he ran. He could feel his muscles ripple through his shoulders and it felt great to be out in the wind. The ground suddenly changed from pebbles to grass and he sprinted easily on the cool soft earth. He caught up to Storm who was also enjoying the run.

                “What happened to you back there? It was almost like you tripped and fell behind.” Storm joked.

                “Yeah, yeah.” Fox said and brushed past him. The small group were in full view now and they didn’t have long to go. He felt Storm coming closer and was now hot on his heels. They slowed down as they came closer to the camp and stopped once they were a few metres away.

                “Getting tired?” Fox smirked at Storm as he panted.

                “I’ll go again if you like.” He said. They came up to the group of cats who were now surrounding them.

                “We thought you were dead!” Amber said, rushed up and licked Fox’s ear.

                “What happened?” Jellicle asked. Storm explained what happened as the rest sat intently listening.

                “Wow! That must have been so exciting!” Petal said.

                “I’m glad you made it back safely.” Said a voice from behind. The cats parted to show Bonzo sitting up straight and confident.

                “I’m glad you weren’t ripped to shreds once you got here.” Fox said.

                “I almost was. You have some pretty vicious members of your pride.” He said and glanced at Daisy who shied away.

                “Well we caught some food if your hungry.” Bianco said and pointed towards two mice that were laying dead on their side.

                “Great, I’m starving!” Storm said and raced off. The cats broke away and the only one that stayed was Angel.

                “What happened to you?” She asked. Fox titled his head.

                “Storm already said.” Fox said.

                “No, what happened to you?” She asked again.

                “I don’t understand.” He said.

                “You seem different, more confident.” She said. Fox thought about it for a moment.

                “I was sure that when I had to come against Gale, that it would be a battle to the death and if I failed, the group would crumble and forget why we are here. When Storm and I returned and I saw all of you working together, looking after each other, I knew that if I were to fail, you would continue.” He said. Angel looked into his green eyes and it seemed like she was searching for something.

                “Promise me something.” She said.


                “You have to promise me that you will defeat Gale and survive.” She said. Fox looked at her thoughtfully.

                “I’ll try.” He promised which made her smile.

                “Good, thank you.” She said and walked off towards the rest. Fox stood still and thought about what she had asked of him. It wasn’t like she was asking for the good of the group; it seemed more selfish than that. He walked over to where Storm was washing himself.

                “I need your help and I need you not to jump to any conclusions.” He said once he got to him. Storm looked up, licked his dusty grey paw and rubbed it over his ear.

                “Ok, go ahead.” He said. Fox thought carefully about what to say. He opened his mouth and closed it again. “What is it?” Storm asked growing more curious.

                “Never mind, you’ll probably make fun of me.” Fox said and slumped down next to him.

                “Alright. Has it got to do with coming home?”

                “No I do not like Angel!” Fox blurted out.

                “What? I didn’t even ask!” Storm said.

                “Well if you do, you have your answer.” Fox said and started to feel his paws prickle with unease.

                “You do don’t you?” Storm said with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

                “I think I am going to get something to eat.” Fox said and quickly jumped up. He bounded over to the mouse and sat down next to his sister. He gulped down the animal and lay down.

                “Your pelt is disgusting!” Amber said as he closed his eyes. “It looks like you took half the cliffs home with you.” She started to lick his fur and the rhythm of the strokes sent Fox straight to sleep.

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