Chapter one

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Fox woke to the sound loud voices. He heaved himself off the patch of grass he slept on, and walked over to see a mothering cat hissing violently at one of the younger cats. He remembered the horrible things that happened to him last night and shook it off.

                “How dare you suggest that I am not strong enough to protect my own kittens!” She dared him. The young black tom just looked wide-eyed at her.

                “I-I just thought you might want some help carrying them today.” He stammered.

                “Does it look like I need help? Why should I trust you anyway?” She glared at him. The young tom flinched. When he saw Fox approaching however, he gave a look of relief.

                “Fox! Daisy won’t let me help her with her kittens.” He said. Fox looked over at Daisy who wrapped her tail protectively around her rather large kittens.

                “We have to figure out what we are going to do.” He said to himself. He looked around the clearing to see an upside down bin. He jumped up and looked down at the other cats, which started to assemble underneath. “We have to sort out how we are going to get along if we are going to survive.” He called out. Each cat’s eye’s were looking up at him. “I know it seems impossible to trust anyone after what Gale did, but it is going to be the only thing that will keep us alive.” He paused to see if he had everybody’s attention and continued. “Now, who here knows how to hunt because not all of us were brought up on the streets?” As he spoke, a big white tom rose to his paws.

                “I know how to hunt.” He said and looked up at Fox with an unchallenging stare.

                “So do I.” Growled a dark brown tom and walked over to the white cat.

                “Me too.” Storm Fox’s close friend said. Fox let out a deep sigh. He was afraid that he was the only one who knew how.

                “Good, what are your names?” He asked.

                “I am Bianco.” The white cat said.

                “Scar.” The dark brown cat said and sat down.

                “Ok, Bianco, Scar and Storm, could you gather some prey so we can feed everyone?” Fox said.

                “What about me?” His sister demanded.

                “I need you to help Daisy.”

                “Can’t she do it?” She asked and pointed at a light brown cat who looked taken aback.

                “Amber, can you please not argue with me right now?” He whispered to her. She slouched and walked over to Daisy. Her orange coat sparked like flames as the sun hit it. He knew she could be difficult, but at least she knew when to back down.

“After we have eaten, we will discuss where we are going to go.” Fox then jumped off the bin. The young tom that was trying to help Daisy earlier, rushed over to him.

                “Fox, do you trust me?” he asked quietly. He felt shocked that he asked him.

                “Of course I do, Bandit. Why?” The tom looked down at his single white paw.

                “Nobody else does. They think that because she was my mother, I am exactly like her.” He murmured. Fox flicked his red tail over the black cat’s shoulder.

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