Chapter two

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A cold breeze drifted off the river and flew across the moors towards the city. It was completely dark and the claw shaped moon gave the only light. As the group of cats made their way across the baron expanse, there tracks stopped when they heard gunfire.

                “Stop!” Fox whispered. Everything was quiet. Then he heard three more gunshots. “MOVE!” He yelled and they pelted across the moors. Fox looked back to see three humans leaning on a car about 5 metres away shooting wildly in his direction.

                “Take cover in the bushes.” He heard Scar yell above the noise. Fox jumped into the closest bush. He felt his bristling fur brush up against Soot’s trembling figure.

                “Its ok, we’re safe now.” He whispered to the terrified kitten. Soot turned his grey head to look at Fox.

                “Where’s Jazz? I can’t see her.” He whimpered. Fox looked around at the huddling cats. He could see every cat except for Jazz.

                “Where is Jazz?” He asked Bianco. Bianco looked around and opened his eyes to three times their normal size when he spotted her.

                “She’s out there!” He said alarmed. Fox looked out of the bushes to see Jazz arched and spitting at the gunman. “What the hell is she thinking?” Bianco asked. Fox was about to go and get her, when he saw a small black figure dart out of the bushes. It stopped and grabbed Jazz by the scruff and zipped back to the bushes.

                “Who was that?” Fox asked.

                “That’s Bandit!” Bianco said astonished. “He is incredibly brave. Stupid, but brave.” He heard Daisy further up comforting her daughter and licking her fur. Once the fire had stopped, Fox heard the people curse in human gibberish and the car engine start. He waited until the sound of the car had vanished completely into the distance, before he stuck his head out. Everything went back to normal. He took a step out of the safety of the bushes and crept out keeping his body low to the ground. Once he saw everything was clear, he slipped back into the bushes.

                “They’re gone.” He announced. He could feel the tension drop from the air as the cats sat upright.

                “What are we going to do now? We obviously can’t stay out there.” Scar asked and glared at Jazz who shrunk under his gaze. Scar was right; they couldn’t stay out in the open. It was a stupid mistake in the first place.

                “We will follow the river until we reach the lake, there we should be safe. We’ll go on for a bit longer, then stop for the night.” Fox announced. Scar relaxed at the idea. “Bandit, that was incredibly brave of you to do that for Jazz.” Fox said focusing his attention on the black cat. Bandit was still panting as he looked up at Fox.

                “Th-th-thank you.” He managed to say, but something wasn’t quite right about the way he was acting.

                “Are you ok, Bandit?” Fox asked. Bandit nodded quickly, but his breathing was chaotic. He suddenly collapsed in a heap. Everybody was instantly crowding him to see what was wrong. Fox pushed his way through the group and looked over Bandit. He was bleeding on the side of his back leg.

                “I’m just tired.” Bandit assured him. Angel pushed through as well and started licking his wound. He winced as she gently touched his leg.

                “The bullet only grazed him. He should be fine, but I suggest not moving any further.” She said. Bandit groaned and rested his head on the dusty earth. Fox knew how much danger they were in by staying there, but he had no choice. He nodded and turned around heading towards the bank. If hunting wasn’t going to calm his nerves then he didn’t know what would.

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