Chapter twenty-three

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Fox stalked around the tall grass they had taken refuge in for the night. He didn’t do waiting, in fact he hated waiting. He wanted so desperately to know if Angel was alright, but he was stuck being powerless which he also hated.

                  “She’s going to be alright Fox.” Everyone kept telling him. He knew that was a lie. If Gale had taken her then she was going to be far from ‘alright’. The moment of her capture kept playing through his mind like a broken record. He was yet again powerless to save her. It seemed that his command was doing more bad than good. He just hoped that he would be able to make it up to her.

                  “Fox you have to calm down.” Storm told him in attempt at calming.

                  “Why? It’s my fault she’s gone. I think that’s a good reason to be pissed at myself.” He snarled back.

                  “Well for starters your paws are bleeding.” Storm began. Fox stopped and looked at his blood soaked paws. He had put himself through so much stress that he didn’t even realise that his claws were piercing his soft pink pads. “And also no one could have stopped them from taking her. It was a surprise attack. That’s what they are meant to do, surprise you.” Storm continued.

                  “Gale planned this. If I hadn’t have gotten close to Angel then this wouldn’t have happened.” Fox growled and continued to stalk around in frustration.

                  “That’s ridiculous. How are you suppose to be a leader without knowing who you’re commanding? Stop being unreasonable.” Storm said. Fox stopped again and stood a nose length away from Storm.

                  “Do you want to start this fight?” Fox warned. Storm glared back at him for a few moments before slinking away.

                  “Well that was unnecessary.” Amber commented. Fox slowly turned around to see her lying down lazily and licking her orange arm.

                  “I don’t want to hear it.” He growled and stomped past her.

                  “Just saying.” She called after him. Fox ignored her and continued forward. He wasn’t quite sure where he was going but he wasn’t in the mood to receive a lecture from his sister. His brooding was interrupted by the excited whispers of Zephyr and Natalie. He didn’t have to wait for too long to find out what they were talking about because they hurried over as soon as he was spotted.

                  “Fox, do you have a moment?” Zephyr asked.

                  “Sure. What is it?” He replied suppressing his anxiety for the time being.

                  “We want to hunt for the group!” Natalie blurted out causing Zephyr to give her an irritated look.

                  “What do you mean?” Fox asked.

                  “No one has eaten almost all day and we want to do something to contribute.” Zephyr explained.

                  “And besides, hunting at night is our specialty, we are foxes after all.” Natalie pointed out.

                  “What about your…” Fox trailed off and pointed towards Natalie’s swelling stomach.

                  “I’m pregnant not disabled.” She retorted.

                  “Don’t worry Fox. She’ll be fine.” Zephyr assured him.

                  “Alright, did you want me to send anyone with you?” Fox asked. Natalie smirked at Zephyr as both of their eyes sparkled in the moon’s reflection.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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