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The moon had risen and was high in the sky that night. A black cat squeezed herself out of a barred window and jumped down onto the spikey road. She was followed by a smaller black cat that found it easy to follow his mother’s example. The only difference between him and her was that he had a single white sock on his right paw. His mother watched him jump down next to her with ease and licked his head to acknowledge that she was proud of him. She looked out onto the bare street as she waited for the others to arrive. The young tom scented them out before they had arrived and stood up to greet them. A red and two orange cats appeared from a broken part of a fence and made their way over silently. The crimson cat greeted them by dipping his head slightly. He was smaller than she was, but very well built. His rusty red fur covered his whole body, except for the white patch of fur he had on his chest and stomach

                  “Are you ready?” He asked. The black cat got to her feet and nodded.

              “You don’t disappoint do you?” She asked coldly. The bigger of the two orange cats stepped forward and touched noses with her. He was much larger than his brother and was more of a creamy orange.

                  “It’s good to see you.” He said and butted his head with hers affectionately.

                  “It’s good to see you.” She said. She took the brief moment she had to soak in his warmth. It had been a long time since she had felt safe, especially with other cats, but he made her feel like one of a kind. A human car had killed her first mate shortly after her son was born, so she didn’t want to waste a single moment away from him. 

                  “Look, I’m sorry but we really have to get going. Storm is waiting on the border for us with the others.” The last cat said. She was basically the same as her brother only a deeper orange. Her son nodded. He was strong and she had taught him well, but she was afraid that he didn’t like her new mate. She brushed the thought off and took a step back.

                  “We have one more cat to find and then we can meet up. Gale and Pumpkin can make their way towards the bridge. Amber, Bandit and myself will pick up the other. We will meet you at there.” The red cat said. She never liked him very much. He always wanted to keep his brother close and that made communication with her mate that much more difficult.

                  “Let’s go Gale.” Her mate said. Gale gave her son one last lick on the forehead and followed her mate. They made their way silently through the quiet suburbs, avoiding as much human contact as they could.

                  “I think you’re going to be a great leader.” She said proudly. Pumpkin didn’t respond. He just kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “You will have my help of course when you have to make difficult decisions.” She continued. He still ignored her and Gale grew impatient quickly. “Why won’t you answer me?” She asked. Pumpkin stopped to face her.

                  “I’m not going to be in charge, Fox is.” He said. Gale couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

                  “Stop messing with me.” Gale said.

                  “I’m not.”

                  “But why him? Why not you?” She demanded.

                  “He makes a better leader then me. I trust him. So do the others.” Pumpkin said.

                  “I never got to be a part of this vote.” Gale spat. She refused to be controlled by his brother of all people. They continued towards the bridge in silence. That's when an idea hit Gale. It was crude but she would do anything to get him out of her life. “Help me get rid of him.” She said.

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