Chapter 11-Group Three Aftermath

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All of Marinette's friend were back at what they were before, whether at after-school club, traveling, or doing their jobs. Everyone was still shocked at what they saw and heard in the clips and about Marinette's father. Then they remembered what the hostess told them.

We first start with Kagami, who is at home. She leaver her room to go to talk to her mother. The girl arrives we and knocks on her mom's door. "Come on," Tomoe says. Kagami enters the room  to tell her about Lila Rossi. "Mother, I came to talk to you about a person who tells lies about us," she states.

"What do you mean Kagami?" Tomoe asked. "A girl named Lila Rossi lied about use," Kagami answered. Tomoe was upset at hearing about this and didn't like hearing about this, so she wanted to sue her. "That you for telling me, Kagami," Tomoe said. Kagami was happy at this and left the room to go back to her room.

Our second and three are Penny and Jagged Stone. They are in England for an interview and to perform for someone. Duo remembers what they saw along with Marinette's birth father. "Penny, called the lawyer team; we got someone to sue," he stayed. The manger nodded and began to call the lawyer team.

Jagged gets this phone out, too. He begins to call Bob Roth-Jagged wants to contact him about Lila Rossi Saunders he wants to warn him about her. Bob picked up the phone call, and it's doesn't go smoothly. Let's just say Bob wants to work with Lila while Jagged intends to sue her. In the end, Jagged tells Bob he quite his recited company and will look for new records company.

The lawyer team was on Jagged's side. They didn't like how some random girl was lying about him. "Good news, Jagged. The lawyers are working on it now," Penny shared. She was saw Jagged was angry and guess how the called went. "Penny, we are finding a new record company because I quiet with Bob," Jagged told her. Penny was happy to her this and looked for a new record company.

Now, on to next person Clara Nightingale. She was working on a music video before she went to theater room. Everyone was happy that the pop star was back. Clara turned to look at her manger. "Call my lawyer team because she told them we got a liar to sue" she told them. The manger nodded their head to began calling the lawyer team.

After them, we are now at Nadja, Aurore, and Mireille. They were at the studio at TVi plus the KIDZ+ building where the three worked. All three remembers what the saw and are angry. Nadia wanted to her boos to ask to cover Lila's lies. As for Aurore and Mireille, they go to do the same thing.

Now it time for three last people. The three people are Socqueline, Marc, and Ondine. Socqueline was angry when she saw and went to tell her parents. Marc wasn't happy, so he called Nathaniel to talk about Lila. Ondine was going to do the same with Kim. Good luck, Kim and Nathaniel, you need it.

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