¤ [01] ¤《Why Do Hills Have Eyes?》

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                             "Sometimes I Wonder if you care about Carl and I" a soft voice shouted at rick from his memories as he hit the ground he didn't feel Shane's hand firm on his chest red staining on his hands shouting for help telling him he'd be okay.

Rick did care he just wished he had the time to show them that.


The drive to school was silent filled with a chattering radio, Carl didn't get why his mom had said that but she didi.

It had happen just before Rick had left the house twisting his cowboy hat of Carl's head as he sat eating pancakes stealing it back from Carl who had taken it off his night stand the afternoon before.

Carl knew he dad cared.

He didn't think that was any need to question it but apparently there was?

Lori looked away from Carls eyes as if there was an explanation, a reason that was to old for his ears.


Carl had felt off since lunch, an innate wrongness that didn't come from the soya milk that was half down his noise,

That was the last time he'd asked to try new foods but weird like there was a weighted tugging on his stomach that pulled at his short hair from behind his back hiding when ever he turned around to find the cause.

That was only confirmed when he got pulled out of maths class by Miss Lovday who then told him he could call her Judith.

They passed teachers who whispered behind there clip boards as if that was some sort of imaginary partition between them and Carl that was created by doing so,

Judith greeted then kindly though with a sharp look in her eyes making the teachers retreat into their classrooms,

It remind Carl of the times Lori didn't even have to speak in order to get him to behave.

The classroom she took Carl to looked different to the rest of the school painted in a sky blue and lined with fake grass in contrast to the grey brick of the rest of the building.

It was nice, even with the old beat chairs and a sofa that was spread out to be for communal use even though it was empty by the door way.

Beckoning him into her classroom she got him to do some basic maths sheets,

Two times three and stuff Carl didn't bother complaining about how he was two grade above the work front of him so that hе could get to the colouring at the end.

It was a Lion & a Zebra together, dancing.

A cartoon.

Judith took the Zebra sitting besides Carl and colouring each swipe a different colour.

Purples, red and green.

Carl just stuck to pale browns and yellows looking in question at her choices.

Judith answered his look and told him that she just couldn't chose.

Carl thought it be black & white, the Zebra, simple like his young world was.

Just mom, dad, home and school, simple.

Judith wiped the sweat off her forehead bumping Carls hand with her own as he drew her hands were hot to the touch even with the brief contact they shared.

Carl didn't return back to class for the rest of the day shadowing Miss Lovday.

When school let out he knew why he had been feeling like he was falling all day and it wasn't because of his moms words that morning.

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