¤ [05] ¤《Supply Run》

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A walker mess.

A huge mound of walkers that stacked up against each other pushing on the stadiums fencing so tight that it made the inside of the stadium look dark, shielded from the sun.

Gunk and blood dripped down, landing on Carl's shoulder.

They left Maud's bike and the majority of their stuff in the entrance way of the stadium, propped up against a wall.

Hiding it behind a vending machine so that it didn't get messed with too much with the odd walker that came by.

The stadium itself was thankfully not in use, it seemed at the beginning of the outbreak as the stand were clear except for a few seats, which Carl could clear out quickly.

Walking past red sun bleached chairs, Carl stuffed a half empty pack of cigarette in his bag he didn't know if they were the right brand but he figured they were better then nothing, not for him, he'd knew daryl would be itching to have one after the mess there found themselves in.

Maud picked up the odd thing like sealed bags of chips and pretzels eating them.

Maud dashed empty packets over her shoulders as they went.

Maud was pretty sure her doing that was unethical on apart of the environment, but considering the amount of human waste there was now, Maud was sure the earth had a carbon footprint of minus, whatever she did.

Carl, however, thought otherwise, snatching another bag of chips off of her before shoving them in a bin beside them.

"Rude -"

"-My ass shut up," Carl interrupted.

The pitch became larger as they stepped down onto the grass pitch.

This was leagues above the high school pitch that they had seen before.

It's just a large empty place.

Would have thought there would still be a walker or two there considering the only way out was up and to the side.

Maud kicked off her shoes again, feeling the grass under her feet. The ground was wet, but the stadium had the closed roof, making the mud between her toes startle her back into Carl falling to the ground.

"You okay?" Carl asked under Maud in a muffled voice.

"What was tha-" Maud was interrupted more rain, rolling off of Carl they both looked up.

It was the sprinkler system.

That explained it.

They got up fast, running away from the cold that the sprinklers made even more evident, water soaking through their clothes.

Gathering their water bottles and blowing into them to puff them straight again, Carl set them down, watching as the water droplets pitter-pattered on the inside of the plastic.

Carl's hat had fallen off during their fall, so when Carl picked it up, not putting it back on himself insead creeping up to Maud.

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