¤ [10] ¤《 GOLD 》

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They had been making good progress on foot the sanctuary wasn't too far now maybe two or three days walk and Rick seemed more relaxed then he had been for the past few days allowing himself to slow down and walk behind Michonne.

Despite their diminishing supplies, they both weren't too concerned, knowing that if push came to shove, they could just go without for a time and push on until they got there.

Michonne spotted a large box in the distance, running up it to she ignored Rick's calls out to her.

It was a train, the figure in the distance.

Three carriages long.

Despite the new tracks, the train itself looked old and janky, and while that wasn't surprising, it wasn't like the american government funded. Public transport was all that good.

It was still odd.

It was out of place.

Michonne theorised it must have been used by some group to travel away from the city when all the other newer trains got taken and the roads were cut off.

It would explain its breakdown.

The windows had been rubbed from dust from the outside before Michonne got a chance to look inside.

It was weird to see something that used to be so full of the hustle and bustle of day to day living so still.

Rick approached Michonne, ducking down so that he was hidden from sight.

There was a rustling from inside it could have been a walker, but the sound was to purposefully be the aimless wandering of the dead.

Rick peaked into the window, his eyes catching a glimpse of a short shadowed figure.

One person.

There was a snuffle, someone blowing their nose while the other hand was rummaging through discarded bags.

It wasn't the dead. It was a person.

Rick signed to Michonne with his hands.

They split off Michonne, taking one carriage door while Rick took the other, boxing the person in.

There wasn't planning for hostility there were expecting it.

Rick came in first kicking in the door that he really should have pulled outward fists raised high only to be met with the cocking of the safety being pulled off a gun.

Michonne wasn't far behind him though opening her door with more courtesy then Rick pulling her katana taunt and straight at the neck of the unknown attacker.

There were at a stalemate.

There were at a stalemate

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