¤ [14] ¤《Those Who Arrive Survive》

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                          Maud thought Carl was dead and gone.

That the only part of him she had left normally sat tall on his head.

Which, yes, Maud did save it.

Admittedly, it was very stupid of her to go back for it.

When Maud watched as Carl descended into that lake, she assumed him dead, gone with the water's current.

A batch of fresh walker food.

She was thankful that she was wrong.

Here he was in her arms and then on top of her on the floor, and quite frankly, as much as she was happy to see him, it hurt.

So Maud's first words to Carl were not ones of rejoice or welcoming but in pain.

"You knocked me on my ass, you jerk" Maud said, pushing Carl off of her.

"Bitch" he replied next to her.

Carl looked at Maud despite her hair covering her face he could still recognise her.

Maud sharp wit and harsh hands were, after all, one of her defining features.

They had rolled over to their sides, not minding the dirt from the floor getting all over them just simply enjoying seeing each other again after what felt like an aeon apart.

It felt like they were in their own little world, just the two of them.

Come to think of that.

"Wren?" Carl asked, his voice low, almost whispering.

Wren was never this quiet in the times Carl and Maud allowed themselves to indulge in noise. She normally happily took part in with them.

Maud looked away from Carl, sitting up on her knees.

Carl followed her, listening to her next words with his eyes down, and turned his hands, finding great pleasure in ripping blades of grass from the ground.

Tentatively, Maud answered Carl.

"I'm sorry" Carl's shoulders sagged.

He didn't know what was worse, mourning and laying them both to rest or having hope carved out of his chest and placed in his hands again, only to be ripped out once more.

"I had to do it. '' Maud finished her head nodding further inside the shack.


Maud thought that she knew fear, but no, she had been corrected.

Cornered in the attic of a house, Maud desperately wanted to scream.

The house felt like it was bobbling on its foundations with walkers stacked like cards all around her and only a dagger as protection.

Partics glasses closed secured onto her bra strap with Wren in her arms.

So Maud did the only thing she could.


Cutting walkers back Maud made her way upstairs.

It seemed like with every bit of leeway she gained, there were three more walkers blocking her path.

Wren cried tucked in her arms.

Maud gave up on being quiet; there was no point anymore.

Maud was surrounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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