¤ [13] ¤《Sanctuary For All》

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              'Sanctuary for all.'  

In a world dominated by the dead, humanity would always persevere. 

'Community for all.' 

Even when all logic and reason suggested otherwise.

'Those who arrive survive.'

Rick kept Carl close to him as they were led inside.

There were weapons taken from them, to prove they weren't a threat.

The group of people they had first encountered at the sanctuary were cordial.

Mary, a haggard looking woman, offered them a smile.

They were led into a room for a twenty-four hour hold before they would be taken to the wider population of Terminus.

Apparently, there were more people than the run-down secure compound would suggest.

"We came looking for a Maggie and a Glenn" Michonne said. Her back felt empty without the familiar unbalanced weight of her katana behind her.

Mary paused for a moment, her hands going to stroke her grey hair in thought.

"You'll see them soon, I'm sure" Michonne relented.

Mary walked up a set of stairs, ripping the bannister tight and standing, looking over them from the balcony.

"For safety" she assured them.

Michonne sat down on the floor, her back to a wall.

Daryl chose to remain standing.

For a place that claimed to have as many people as it did, it was quite enough to hear the rats scuttling around the rafters.

Mary noticed Carl's injuries even from the distance she kept from them.

"I could check him over for you if you'd let me"

Rick looked at her from under his eyelashes. The old lady just stared back at Rick, a smile on her face.

"I'm a doctor. At least before all of this started, retired for ten years, but i'm sure I could be of uses"

"The hold," Daryl said.

Couldn't have four walkers roaming around now, could you.

Mary winked.

"I wouldn't tell if you don't"

Carl shrugged out of his fathers hold and wanted up the stars only to be met with Mary using her fingers to squish his face.

Against Rick's better judgement, he let Carl go.

"What an adorable young boy?" That should have been the first red flag.

"Thank you" Carl muttered, shaking Mary off of him.

He didn't like her touch, but what could he do about it?

Mary was trying to make him feel at home.

Rick relaxed as Mary led Carl away from their sight.

Maybe this Terminus place wasn't so bad?

Mary pulled a gate closed behind her, locking it with a loud clang.

Daryl gave her a look that she probably shouldn't have smiled in response to as she turned, digging a lemon Lollipop out of her pocket, giving it to Carl.


Daryl turned to try and slide open the door that had been closed behind them.

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