lost soul

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i had to get a bit closer to them to see them fully. i was squinting at them until the girl turned to me and i did a awkward wave. 

why were they screaming? sure they're bad people but no one was hurt? and where is the screaming kitty?

i didnt realize why until i walked through the village to where everyone was, seeing the souls fire burned out. 

"we got everyone's attention now." claudia giggled while looking at a earthblood elf who looked scared and sincerely sorry. 

"we asked everyone through the castle and upper village yet we cant find ur loving queen ja-nai." viren cooed, starring down at the crying villagers. "tell us where she is, we mean no harm. we just need a gift from her." ofc with his past from 2 years ago no one believed him. 

"why would queen ja-nai gift you anything?" i shouted out to him while yu-bim came and stood beside me. 

"what was the point of blowing out the village grandma!?" she shouted while claudia jumped back away from the unlit torch. "it was a grandma!?" she cried. "i am so sorry!" she pleaded, holding her hands together. 

no one said anything else after that until yu-bim had something to say. "you couldn't just set a tent a flame!?" claudia turned back to yu-bim as she said that. "would that get ur attention more?.." she questioned, grabbing another souls flame and knocking it into a tent. 

"opps.. silly ol' me." she whined as we all watched the tent go into flames. the earthblood that stood beside her almost screamed as he watched, squeezing her hand that held a staff. 

"baby its okay, the souls fire is still lit." she reassured him. 

and while their conversation continued on i couldn't make out a word, all i knew was the earthblood spoke fast and alot. 

people were yelling, screaming, crying, and trying to put out the fire. 

"stop! the soul will be lost! i yelled while grabbing a torch. my moms where yelling at me to back away, i ignored them, walking to the burning tents. i bent down, dangerously close to the fire. i stuck the torch in until it lit and walked off. i was probably the only calm one, other than babies, out of everyone. the lower village was small and poor, if it burned to the ground we would have to join the upper village, and id get to see the queen and her fiance more often, i had no problem with that. 

"okay you guys can continue." 

i put the torch up and glared at claudia. "dont touch it, or ill set you on fire. 

"hey i remember you! youre the sunfire elf with the sailing step mom." she laughed, looking at that boyfriend of hers. 

i didnt say anything, i just stared at here while guarding the torch, yu-bim came up to me, crying. i didnt say anything. i held her, the fire of the tent spread to another. her tent. 

"so no one is going to tell us still?" claudia shouted out. i could tell she was just going to try n do more to our village but viren stopped her. "leave it, claud. they wont speak. no one should have to die." 

"those two years and you just realized that? youre so power hungry, that wont stop. and you cant bring back the people youve killed! you cant fix the families you destroyed." 

he looked as if he truly pitied us, taking his time to reply. "but i can start by not killing." he turned to his daughter. i couldn't make out what he whispered to her, i could only hear yu-bims sniffled and the panicking village. 

whatever it was made her put out the fire with a dark magic spell and leave. the earthblood bowing and apologizing.

poor guy.

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