young working souls, 'busy old souls'

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on our way out to our day long date aanya was caught up by her top guard. 

"i dont care who runs the shop, rich or poor, deny them." she was calm but harsh, she tried keeping her tone down but she kept being interrupted by her queen duties today. 

"yes but its broken his door, queen aanya." the guard replied, he kept his head down but his voice leveled. 

"then fix the door, killing the animal bcuz it broke a door doesn't seem reasonable!" she was losing her cool, sitting down on a chair that sat near the back door of her castle. 

"its a dragon.." 

"a dragon that can fit ur hands, a dragon that looks like a bowl of berries, a dragon that can hardly fly, a dragon with no fire breath," she said calmly, as if she was walking him through the steps of eating. "a dragon that doesn't even hurt anyone!" she shouted. "and frankly i dont see how such a tiny thing could break his door, leaving me to believe hes lying!" she took a deep breath, her guard hadnt replied so she turned to me with a calm smile. 

i was busy smelling all the colourful flowers that were on the vines outside the castle. 

"alright, love." she walked through the door, over to me. "we can go now." i turned my head towards her and nodded. "thankfully." i said with a sigh. 

she rubbed my arm, sliding her hand down and grabbing my hand. 

the stage was beautiful, white and gold with the flowering vines already over growing it. we sat down in the grass, we didnt need mats or anything, the grass was nice, tall, with flowers and vines that slithered across the grounds, up everything in sight. 

the announcer of who came and went on stage was a 12 year old boy with long hair. the first act of a little girl, only around 6, who shot bows, hitting the center of her small target (only around the size of my hand) each time, even when there was a arrow already in there. the whole act scared me, she was so young. there was quite a few acts, 13. there were three people who danced, different cultures. one was very.. bendy. while i was cringing aanya was so excited, that one had been her favourite. mine was a old dude sang, and for his old age his lungs worked well. one middle aged lady tamed wild animals in under 3 minutes, i found it impressive but aanya was bored. so on so on. 

at the end aanya was up pacing, as she usually did after sitting for a while just to stretch her legs. i stood up a few minutes after her just bcuz im lazy, i went over her. 

"i dont understand how you liked that one girl.. her back has to be broken." thinking back on it made my skin crawl. 

"her back? she got her leg all the way over her head!" she giggled at me, who making a weird face of discomfort. 

"lets just go, i dont wanna talk about this anymore." i walked out the backyard, through a fence that i had to push with all my weight, bcuz while it was opened daily it was also  daily stuck by vines that wrapped around the red cherry wood. 

she followed after me, stepping over the flowers that laid on the ground. "the market!!" she looked at me, hopping up and down with the biggest smile. 

"the market!!!" i said in the same tone, grabbing her hands to calm her down a bit. 


we got to the market after a 20 minute walk, aanya wanted so badly to stop at every corner stand, use her riches on them. we decided to wait until after the market for all of that. as soon as we walked in we were greeted by the kids and their parents, the kids putting bracelets on our wrist thinking we wouldnt notice. 

i picked my wrist up. "oh that is gorgeous!" i smiled to the little girl who put the bracelet on me, aanya asking the little boy who put hers on her how much it cost. 

"its free youre the queen!" he was smiling up at her, hopping on his toes, hands curled up by his cheeks. 

"oh youre a cutie." she giggled at him and handed him a gold piece with a 10 on it and a print of the mean queen on it. she had long nose and long thick hair, as it was just a print of her you couldn't quite tell how she looked, but i imagined her hair to be black. she was gorgeous, but she did look evil. she was evil. 

"run along now kids." a lady said, rubbing the little girls head. id assume her to be her mother, having her same eyes and skin. 

"we cleared the shop out for you, queen aanya!" an older man said, doing a small bow. 

she returned the bow, "oh, you really didnt have to!" she smiled. 

i looked around, leaving her side and going to the cheese section, i loveee Duren cheese. aanya continued to talk to the parents for a moment more before coming over to me. "babe, we have cheese in the palace." 

i turned to her. "yes but that cheese i cant eat right now, id have to wait." i gave her my prettiest smile, blinking at her. she eyed my face up and down. "mm.. fine." i smiled wide at her. "thank you!!!" i turned back to the cheeses with one hop. i picked out a cheese while aanya paid the kid, the adults too busy cooing over the queen being in their shop. whenever i glanced at them, they are eyeing aanya, just standing there. i rolled my eyes at the sight, holding aanyas hand the whole time,. they were creepier than maeve. (who still bothered me daily)

as soon as i was handed the cheese and i opened it and bit into it. i offered aanya some but she shook her head. "no, thank you, love." 

we walked around for a bit, aanya paying for whatever i wanted. i got meat sticks, the biggest apples ive ever seen, and candy. aanya had gotten candy and lottsss of bracelets. (the whole time the kids worked.) back at home aanya had many jewelry boxes, half belonged to her mom. she didnt wear half the things she had, unless it was for meetings or fancy queen things. 

"now to the stands!" she clapped her hands together with a smile. 

yea im ending here bcuz the proposal isnt coming just yet.  

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