a questioned soul

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in my head i practiced a more average human accent, after picking up that none of them really sounded any different through everywhere i have lived. i tried it out with just a little "can i sit down somewhere?" quietly, it was pretty good. 

"ofc ofc!" one of the younger women said, grabbing my arms and sitting me at a bench. 

"why are ur hands tied?" a little boy asked, walking up to me. 

i took a deep breath as i replied, trying not to let my accent slip. "maybe i shouldn't tell you that, rather an adult?" i looked around at all the people surderring me, the whole village of just 20 people. 

one elder nodded and whispered to the youngest adult of the village, she grabbed the two little kids and one teen. 

"so why are ur hands tied?" a man with a short stubby beard asked, he had a burn scar across his neck. 

"i was taken from my village, my moms and sister are probably so worried.. we were attacked, by viren Claudia and her little boyfriend terry-" i was just about to carry on until a women around her 30s cut me off. "viren is dead! lair!" she called out, everyone started whispering. "and i believed that, until i saw them! they're dark mages you really believe they couldn't be alive? now does anyone have a knife to cut these? my wrist hurt so bad." after wearing the rope cuffs for 3 days (as far as i know) my wrist started to burn and itch from the rubbing of the rope. 

"how do we know you wont hurt us?" the eldest of all the village asked in a raspy weak voice. 

"im only 16, im not an assassin, i dont even kill spiders! ive been walking for days now, im tired, weak, i just want these off! i wont hurt anyone! get these off and i swear to leave, please. i want to get home to my family, just get these off." i pleaded, begged. i was so tired and usually i didnt beg for anything, i just wanted my moms. 

I could hear a little sigh of a younger boy, maybe 21? He was talking the most out of everyone,  he seemed to be the voice of reason. My eyes traveled up and down, side to side, not everyone was in my small sight range.

It took them a minute but they all came to a conclusion. 

"We will send you off after freeing ur hands." A older guy, with small ugly glasses on, spoke, his voice droned on.

"With food, water, and a sleeping bag." The eldest women added, everyone looked at her as if they had no food and water to share, but no one spoke after her.

I thanked them numerous times, my voice was shaky and my accent almost slipped,  I held it together.  Maybe I'd get home to my moms, my sister. Maybe.

They went off, everyone. It didn't take long for those two little kids and teen to come back towards me, the teen had a knife in hand, a small but sharp one.

"Why do ur eyes look like that?" the little kid asked, maybe 6?

I looked at him with a little smile. "Half Grey you mean?" I asked with a little chuckle, he was sweet about it, giving me a little nod. "I can't see through half of each, the gray part. That's all, it's nothing bad bud." I looked away from him to the teen as she started sawing the ropes, struggling a bit.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, moving to be right in front of me, his hands on my knees as he stared at my eyes.

"No, not at all. It feels just fine, same as urs I imagine.  Only if sun's in them they bother me."

"What happened?" The teen asked, looking down at me, half way through my ropes.

"I was born with way as far as I know, unless something happened to baby me. I don't ask questions about it." The rope came undone, I looked down at my hands with a wide smile of relief. "God, that's so much better." I moved my arms around, apart. I thanked her a few times with a little head bow.

"Is it weird? Seeing  only half?" She followed up.

I stood up in front of her, moving her hair from her face. I placed one finger across the top half of her right eye, one finger on the outer side of her left eye.

"That's how I see, it's not too bad is it?"

She looked around with her eyes. "You can't look up? Or to ur right?"

"I see just as you are right now, I can a bit. And I can't a bit. I've never seen any other way so I'm used to it." I moved my hands from her face, looking down at the 6 year old who had his chubby tiny fingers over half his eyes the way I had mine over the girls.

"That's so weird.." The little boy said while the youngest looked at me.

"Least they cool" He said,  making me smile.  "You think so?" He nodded while I looked over to a trio of people walking to us with bags. The kids turned towards them as I sat back down, taking my bag off my shoulder.

They snatched the bag up when they got to us, adding a smaller bag into mine and attaching a sleeping bag to the strap.

I thanked them all again and while they seemed to resent me, I was still thankful. 

halfbreed (dragon prince)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ