my favourite soul.

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it had been three days sense i arrived at the castle, 3 days i stayed. i kept putting off leaving to xadia, telling aanya dumb excuses such as "my horn hurts" -which she knew was a lie as i said we have no nerve system in them- and "its too far." which wasnt true at all sense lux aurea was the closest part of xadia to duren. ofc i wanted to go home, see my moms and sister, even my friends, but living in duren was so easy. people were more open to the thought of a elf human here than lux aurea. it wasnt perfect, but it was better. people seem to listen better to a 15 year old than someone in their mid 30s (queen janai).

it was also wasnt so damn hot here, ofc being the border of lux aurea it got hot, but not up to 118f. while im not one to complain, sleeping in annyas bed is much easier than my own. -other than the times in the night that she pushes me away- 

away from that, that creepy girl from the village (maeve) was still bothering me, i suppose it could be sweet but shes creepy about it. she doesn't even like me, she was just thankful to me, in a creepy way. and aanya loved rubbing it in my face too. i tried telling her it wasnt me, it was the guard (saleh) which it was! but she wouldnt pay any attention to that. 

"so octaviaaaaa" aanya carried on, titling her head to the side with a wide smile. 

"so aanyaaaa?" i titled my head the opposite way of her. "youre little friends are coming over."  she was ridiculously happy about that, giving me the worse idea that she was now letting maeve into the castle. "noo.." i whined, rolling over onto my back on her floor, as we sat criss cross on her rug. 

"you dont want ur dear queen to come here?" she leaned her body over mine, smiling down at me. i sat up, my eyes wide with joy. i ignored the fact that i headbutt her when i was coming up.

"queen ja-nai? here? why?" she was rubbing her forehead while my hands were on her legs, my face up to hers. 

"she pays me a regular visit, usually we talk about the border between our kingdoms. lavas been running high and burning the flowers just a mile from the border. ofc i cant do much of it, so shes on her way." she was back to her serious queeny voice. "so, you get to go home." she added, cupping my face in her hands. "youll come visit me?" 

"what kind of question?" i put my hands over hers, i was looking at her, just thinking. ill be going home, to my moms and sister, the queen, amaya, my friends.. i was excited, but id miss aanya. ofc my family's more important, but its my best friend. i just wish to live here instead. 

i pulled her hand down and smile at her. "thank you so much." i smiled at her and moved away. 

aanya being the empath she is pulled me back to her into a hug. "i know youre upset, and i will miss you so much." she kissed my head -in a motherly way as if she isnt the younger one-. "your moms helped me through alot when i was younger, telling me all those amazing stories of my moms. saying youre a sister to me feels wrong, especially with all ur fake flirting." 

i looked up at her. "who said it was fake?" i tried my hardest to keep a str8 face, but she looked so annoyed it was funny. "there you go again." she rolled her eyes. i started giggling. "now dont cut a queen off." she glared at me, making me stop my giggling. "but i will say you are my bestest friend ever." 

i looked up to her with a small sigh. "youre my favourite person ever you know? and ive hardly even been here for 4 days." she chuckled. "also is bestest even a word?" 

her smile dropped as she rolled me out her lap. "cant have one sweet moment." she murmured, standing up.  

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