staring into my soul

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my shower was long and warm, i wanted to bathe myself but aanyas maids did it instead. ofc with her being the queen they bathed her, but i wasnt the queen and i just wanted to relax. i got out and changed into some of aanyas clothes, a nice red cross over dress. (such as the one in the drawing) it took a while for me to figure out the chest area, but i got it done with the help of a different maid. 

once again i had another maid helping me with my hair, ofc each maid has seen my horns and knew i was an elf , they didnt say anything as aanya has been making her kingdom friendly to elves for years. 

the only problem was when she was brushing my hair back she saw my ears, my small.. round.. human ears. 

she let out a little shriek, i turned around to see what was wrong. it took me a moment to realize. "ohhh!" i said as a gasp. "yea. one of my moms are human." 

she didnt say anything, but i could tell by her face that she had so many questions. question i wouldnt answer.

 i took the brush from her, brushing my hair the rest of the way out, struggling with a few knots. i kept my hair over my ears. 

when i was done i pushed myself off my seat, my seat being a soft cushion on the floor. the maid was gone, probably telling the other maids about me. i looked at myself in the mirror, i moved closer, looking at my eyes. i thought my eyes were cool, one of my favourite parts about me. but, would they be prettier if they were just green? how do others see? is it better?  id never know. 

at least i had nice eye lashes. 

i chuckled at my own thought, seeing aanya coming up to me in the mirror. i backed up some, looking at her while she stood beside me in the mirror. 

"admiring urself?" she was eyeing me in the mirror. 

i shook my head and turned to her. "no, id rather admire you." she truned to me with her serious face. "slow down there, i hardly know you." i giggled at her, moving backwards until my legs hit her bed and i sat down. "you know more about me than anyone." i crossed my right leg over my left, my hands behind me holding me up. "more about ur past than you." she replied shortly, sitting beside me. 

i shrugged. "same difference." i murmured.

"the maids are talking about you, you know that?"

i sighed and pressed my lips slightly together. "figured." i did a little.. face shrug? i dont know what to call it. 

"it hardly even about ur ears, but ur horns. so what did happen? ur missing half of one?" 

i looked at her, touching my broken horn. "nothing really happened, sure everyone is making up stories. i literally just fell out of a tree." there were many many stories people made up, like there was one where i got in a fight with rayla (i dont even know rayla, and shes nice from what i hear.) and she broke my horn. or i was kidnapped and someone broke it and sold it to a human? random but okay. im not an animal. 

"did it hurt?" she asked with a little chuckle, i imagine she was laughing at the fact i fell from a tree. 

"no, we have no feeling in our horns." 

neither of us spoke for a minute, just looking at each other. she was still so clearly aanya but she is so grown now, she just looked older. its so weird when all i picture when i think of her is her 9 year old self, now shes 15 and im staring at her. she is always soo mature now, no longer silly. 

"so, got any new elven friends?" i laid on my stomach, head in my hands. "nope." she laid down the same way as me, shaking her head very slowly. 

"so.. im still ur only elven friend?" i had a wide smile across my face, scooting closer to her. while i was smiling she was staring at me with her annoyed eyes and eyebrows raised. "darling, youre not even a full blooded elf." she sounded like a 40 year old queen, ew. 

i looked at her through the corner of my eye while turning my head away from her. "weirdo." i murmured, still staring at her through the corner of my eye, she started laughing while i kept a str8 face. 

she stopped laughing as soon as her door opened, both our heads snapping towards her grand door. 

"the village people call upon you, queen aanya. another out break." the guard who protected her room said, his voice was shaky, like he was holding in the fact he had been crying. knowing aanya she would've noticed and asked what was wrong, but she didnt. meaning thats just his voice, that or shes not as sweet as when i knew her. 

she sighed as she sat up, i copied her movement. i already knew what they meant by breakout as my village had many, the upper village had more. humans and elves not getting along, causing a fight. a fight that grew bigger by the moment, one person would talk and another would step in, not agreeing with what was said. it would keep going until almost everyone was pinned against each other. 

aayna rushed out her room before anyone could die, while i was struggling to get my shoes on, when i finally did, -after falling down and the guard laughing at me-, i ran out after her, from her room down the halls, through the kitchens, down long spiral stairs, making many turns through long halls until i ended up in her throne room. i stopped running and just walked out through the door to outside. 

aanya was outside revolving the problem, from what i could pick up, the newer villagers weren't used to living among elves. i hadnt been paying attention to anything but aanya, no one was fighting anymore they were just telling aanya the problem while guards took the injured away. 

the same teen from the village was staring at me, the whole time. i didnt even notice until aanya walked towards where she stood, my eyes followed aanya and i saw her. 

i looked back at her. i gave her crazy eyes and just stared back, she still didnt look away. i titled my head to the side some, waving at her. 

she didnt do anything, just stared. i walked over towards aanya, taking her hand, glancing at the girl every few seconds. i tried not to think about her, 

aanya got it all under control, turning to me and dropping my hand. "they'll think we are dating, you probably shouldn't." 

i didnt say anything i just looked at her as if she was being unfair, kinda wasss. 

"ill hold your hand!" the girl who stared came over and grabbed my hand.  

"so thats why you were staring? thought you wanted to kill me." i said awkwardly, i let her hold my hand but i didnt hold hers. aanya watched us, her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised. 

"no, youre just an elf." 

"oh, how sweet. now lets leave." aanya grabbed the hand she was holding, pulling it away. 

"sorry, gotta go!" i gave her a wide smile and left with aanya, holding her hand wether she liked it or not. which she must've sense she didnt take her hand away. 

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