{3} The tour ~ P

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I had no idea what to do now or where I was supposed to go. The principal didn't mention that, so I decided to go back to the receptionist and ask her for directions.

I turned around, only to see a short, pretty girl. She was thin and had a round face. She had beautiful eyes and braids parked up with a pink band. She was also in the same school uniform the students from earlier wore. Her lips turned into a big, charming smile.

'You must be the new girl." She said excitedly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at me.

"Yes," I answered, a bit taken aback by how enthusiastic she was for someone meeting me for the first time. "And who are you?"

"My name is Peculiar. Peculiar Graham." She replied. "And I am going to help you settle in."

They must have known I would need help finding my way around.

"You are Phoebe, right?"

"Yes, I am Phoebe L. Kuro. Nice to meet you, Peculiar." I answered.

"Nice to meet you too. Let me help you with the box." She reached out to take it from me, and I quickly let go of the handle. "Is this the only box you came with?" She asked, looking around.

"And this too." I pointed at my backpack.

"Yeah, I saw that one." She said and began walking. "Let's go. We have a lot of things to attend to."

I followed, walking beside her.

"What does the L in your name stand for?" She asked as we moved.

"It stands for Lolia."

"I have never heard of Lolia before. What does it mean?"

"It means a star," I answered.

"What a lovely name. So what do you go by, Lolia or Phoebe?"

"Call me Phoebe."

"Okay, Phoebe." She smiled to herself.

We were way into the school now, and the deeper we went, the bigger the buildings got.

We stopped at a four-story building. It was the biggest I had seen so far. The windows of the building were open, and I could hear voices coming from inside.

"This is the building where we have most of our classes. The first floor is for us, SS3 students; the second floor is for SS2 students; the third floor is for SS1 students; and the last floor is where the lab is. There are other rooms, but no one goes there except for practicals. We have an elevator to help us move around."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I was confused. It only made sense that SS3 should learn on the third floor.

"We all use the stairs," she pointed out. "Only teachers and perfects are allowed to use the lift, except during emergencies. As for the rest of us," she shrugged. "I guess walking is good exercise for us."

I stared at the big building and was grateful I came in my SS3.

"Further down is the senior school auditorium, but let's keep going. We won't be looking at it today." She said, and we continued walking.

We came to three buildings, each of them a few feet apart from each other and two stories high. Opposite the three buildings was another building with 'LIBRARY' boldly written on it.

"This building right here," she said, pointing at the first building. "Is the SS3 hostel?" She pointed at the second one. "This one is the SS2 hostel, and that one over there." She pointed at the third building. "Is the SS1 hostel."

There was a group of students at the entrance of the SS2 hostel. Three girls stood with their heads bowed in front of a boy who seemed to be scolding them. There was something about him that commanded attention. He was tall and stood with an authoritative stance; his hair was cut low, and he wore glasses. I could spot the perfect lines on his uniform from where I stood, and unlike the other students I'd seen so far, he had a blazer on, with the school badge on the right side of his chest and a prefect badge on the left side of his chest. The boy and the girl I met at the reception office had the same badge, meaning they were also prefects.

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