{12} A day to join a team ~ P

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I woke up early to shower and left the room when Peculiar was still in the bathroom. I knew what happened yesterday was not her fault, but I wasn't ready to talk to her just yet. However, it didn't take long after I left the dorm for me to regret that decision.

It was almost like yesterday, but there were two more teams added to the Cheetahs and the Lions. The third team had a gray and white jersey with the logo of a falcon, while the fourth one had an orange and black striped jersey with the logo of a tiger. They were the complete team—the Tigers, the Lions, the Cheetahs, and the Falcons—and every student in the hostel wore one of the team jerseys.

I looked at myself, dressed completely in my school uniform. I had even ditched my hoodie for the blazer today, and as I walked past my classmates, I felt like I was lost in some kind of joke. If only I had spoken to Peculiar this morning, then I wouldn't be so confused.

I got into the dining room, and there were just five students there; among them was the boy I met at the gallery yesterday. He was slouched back in his seat with his legs crossed on the dining table and an empty plate with particles of vegetables in front of him. There was an additional ring on his lower lip, one that wasn't there when I saw him yesterday. He was wearing his Lions jersey and had a band around his upper arm, just like the one I saw on Drake. His being here confirmed that he was my classmate, but why was this my first time seeing him in the hostel?

"I like to see you in your school uniform, hottie, but today isn't the day for it." He said observing me and playing with the rings on his fingers.

"My name is Phoebe," I corrected. "And what is going on? Don't we have classes before P.E.?" That was what was on my timetable, and I wasn't expecting PE to start so early.

"Well, you see, the freshmen will be given teams today, and it is kind of a big deal here, so morning classes were cancelled." He explained.

"You know you'd also be put on a team today, right?" He asked me, biting down on his lip ring as I went over to the table to take a plate. "A hot chick like you should become a lion; those other teams won't suit you."

"And how do you know that?" I asked opening the pans. There were just vegetables, salad, fruits, meat, and a pack of cereals. The menu must be this way because of the sports activities today.

"There are a lot of reasons, hottie." His eyes trailed down my body in a way that made it look like he could see through my clothes. "But let's just say I know potential and uniqueness when I see it, and it is only advisable for you to be somewhere you can shine and close to someone who can help you shine as bright as you want."

I tried to keep my temper in check as I put fruits on my plate. I took watermelon and pineapple, and when I was done, I drew out the seat opposite him and sat down.

"You know, I don't even know the team I'm going to be on." And I couldn't care less about whatever team I joined. The only reason I would join a team in the first place was because it was compulsory and I had no choice.

He lazily took his legs off the table and leaned forward on the table. "I'm just saying you'll find out soon enough that we have more in common than you think, and it will be best for you to choose your allies carefully because, believe it or not, not everyone in this school is what they seem to be."

I looked at the huge figure opposite me and wondered who this boy thought he was to tell me what he thought was best for me. I pushed my untouched plate of fruits aside, leaned forward on the table, and looked him in the eyes.

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