{15} Closing the distance between us ~ P

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The instruction was to be at the field by seven o'clock, but I set out thirty minutes earlier because I wanted some time to exercise a bit before Coach Gloria came. I got to the stadium with tired eyes and a slight headache. I had stayed up late last night reading and covering as much of my schoolwork as I could. They had done so much, and I had a lot of assignments and notes I needed to work on. The ones I didn't finish last night, I will continue later today.

The weather was cold and windy, and the thick clouds looked like they might water the earth anytime soon. It had been so cold last night that even Peculiar hadn't bothered turning on the air conditioner.

I stretched when I got to the field, then bent down to tighten my shoelaces. The field was quiet, unlike yesterday, when it had been filled with activities and excitement. I sat down on the field and touched the soft grass. It was dry and smelled like it had been freshly cut, which meant it was real after all. The only place that was artificial was probably the middle of the field. I didn't have time to waste, though; I came here to exercise, and I intended to do just that. I stood up to start my basic warm-ups.

I felt rather than saw fiery eyes that warmed me up instantly, and I knew without looking that he was there.

"Good morning," The voice I recognized so well said.

I turned to him slowly. There he was, standing still as a statue right behind me. He was wearing black T.A. trainers, black shorts, and a dark teal-blue tank top. For the first time, I could see and appreciate how handsome he really was. The outlines of his packs were visible through the thin clothing he wore, and I could see the muscles on every exposed part of his body and the visible veins that ran like a lifeline of networks, circulating the rivers of life through his entire being. On his shoulder was a single black freckle, sitting there like an island, the completion of nature's most beautiful piece of art. His hair was packed in a ponytail, and he flashed me a heart-melting smile that turned my legs to jelly.

"Where did you come from?" I asked when I found my voice again.

"I was working out over there." He gestured to the far end of the field.

It was the first time I had seen him since we passed each other yesterday, on my way back from getting my jersey. I didn't go down for dinner yesterday evening. I knew everyone was talking about me, and I simply didn't want to be the center of that much attention. So I stayed back in my room and thought of ways to respectfully decline the request of the school if they should ask me to take over from Becky.

"Okay," I said and started my workout, fully aware that he was watching my every move in that unabashed way of his. He sat down on the grass after standing for a while.

It was completely silent after that, and I also noticed that the cold had left me. I was warm now, and I knew it was from the heat of his gaze, and what bothered me was not that I was not uncomfortable as I should have been, but that I liked the way his eyes followed my every step, my every move, like I was the most interesting thing he had ever seen, like every step I took was a puzzle to him.

"Phoebe, there's something we need to talk about," he said after a long silence, and I looked at him again. He was lying on the grass now and looking at me, his arms folded under his head.

I stopped what I was doing. "I thought I told you not to act like we were friends. Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" I asked as sternly as I could.

He sat up and placed his arms between his knees. "I know what you said, but the thing is." He exhaled and shook his head. "I just can't do that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, but the truth was that I did know what he meant. I had planned to stay away from him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it either.

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