{7} The silent room ~ P

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Having a roommate who never kept her mouth shut for a second was a kind of pain I never knew I'd have to put up with one day, not just a day but an entire year. I rolled my eyes as I went down the stairs while Peculiar drilled me on what to expect today.

"We'll go get your uniforms first and then your books," she said listing out some of the things she had taken upon herself to see through with me. "Why don't you take off your hoodie, aren't you hot?"

"No, I'm fine," I answered. I was in fact, very cold.

It's how it's been since I woke up this morning. She had talked about everything and questioned me nonstop about whatever popped up in her head, not minding the fact that I barely answered or just replied with a nod or a shake of the head.

"You still haven't told me why you left the dining the way you did last night? Are you sure you're alright?" She asked looking up at my face as we entered the dining.

I responded with a nod. She was like an annoying fly that buzzed about, but in her case with a sweet smile plastered on her face, oblivious of my unwillingness to talk to her.

The dining was almost as it was last night, but the chandelier was off and the meals were different this morning. It also felt like they were all waiting for my arrival, because the moment I entered, everyone looked in my direction and they didn't look away this time. Some smiled at me while some of the boys looked at me in awe.

Almost all the faces from last night were present, including Lawrence and Becky but the head of the table was vacant, he wasn't there. I exhaled, my racing heart slowing down, I was relieved but also disappointed.

Peculiar and I got to the dining table and different aromas hit me, making me nauseous. There was a box of cereals, beans, what looked like fried fish and chicken, juice, pasta, grilled fish and stew, and other kinds of food. The fruits were also as they were last night. I was grateful for the box of cereals on the table since I wasn't used to eating heavy meals this early in the morning.

She scrunched her face when she saw what was available. "This is why we should come down early, all the legs are gone."

I looked into the chicken bowl and all I saw were fat chicken laps, wings and big drumsticks. I was surprised she wanted chicken legs when she had all these juicy options.

She sighed and dished beans into her plate, then put in one wing and one drumstick. "We have a match after classes today, It's the first match this term and I swear, it's going to be bloody." She talked as she picked up an apple.

I took a bowl and picked up the box of cereals, I looked around the table for milk but there was none. Peculiar noticed what I was looking for.

"The milk is in there." She said pointing at the fridge.

I dropped my bowl of milk-less cereals, turned to the fridge and almost collided with a boy, he had a wide, foolish grin on his face and I could see the top of his head as he only came up to my shoulder. He stood in front of me, one hand in his pocket and the other holding the bottle of milk.

"I didn't get a chance to talk to you yesterday. I am Patrick." He said still grinning foolishly.

"The milk," I said, trying to stay calm.

"Excuse me?" He shook his head confused, his smile faltering.

"Give. Me. The. Milk!" I said through gritted teeth. If I hadn't seen him in time I could have bumped into him and yet he stood before me grinning like an idiot.

"Ah, the milk?" He said. "I'll give it to you but only after you tell me your..."

I took the bottle of milk from him before he could finish and went back to my bowl of cereal.

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