{13} The titles that matter ~ P

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I did not stay till the end of the ceremony because freshmen were asked to leave with the team coaches once we had all gotten a team. We went to the staff building with our different coaches to get our Jerseys. It was a two-story building and each staff member had a personal office, their names written on the doors. We were given two Jerseys with different sizes labelled on top. The Freshmen held onto their jerseys like some kind of trophy, excited to finally have a team.

On my way back to my room, I saw the rest of the staff filing out of the stadium with Becky and Drake still with them. Becky was engrossed in whatever she was saying to Drake to notice me as I passed them, but Drake saw me from a distance and gave me a small smile as we passed each other. His eyes stopped at the clothes in my hand and I thought I saw the smile disappear from his face. But I had probably imagined it.

I got to my room and changed into my new Jersey. I wore my knee-length socks and Converse and decided to wear my black long-sleeved shirt beneath my Jersey top.

It was some minutes past twelve and the sun was harsh as I walked back to the stadium, my mind already made up on what I was going to do today. I heard the heavy and brisk footsteps of someone walking up to me. And soon a huge figure was by my side, hands in his pocket, and an amused smirk on his lips. I let out an exasperated sigh. It was Kevin again. For someone who was so scarce when I first came, I was seeing him a bit too much now.

"Look at you, a hot lioness. I told you this was the team for you," He said proudly, his dreads bouncing around him. With him so close to me, I could see the sleeve tattoos properly, they were so many I couldn't decipher them, but one stood out on his huge bicep, it was a tattoo of the phrase 'Behold an illusion'.

"How did you know I would be in your team?" I asked him. At first, I thought it was him that played the little trick at the ceremony because he was the one person that sounded so sure I was going to be a Lion, but I didn't pick that paper and here I was in a Lions Jersey, so how could it be him?

"Because I decide which team everyone gets on," he said and I turned to him sharply but his eyes were twinkling with sarcasm. He chuckled at my expression. "believe me I don't give a shit about the ceremony, hottie, that's for the prefects to worry about. Let's just say I am hardly ever wrong about anything."

"The fuck!" he said, stepping aside swiftly as two juniors ran past us laughing and almost shoving him. He watched them go frowning and when he turned back to me, the cocky look had gone.

He bit down on his lip ring. " Have you thought of what you want to do yet?" He asked. His eyes fixed on my legs.

Without waiting for me to answer, he went on, "You have nice legs for running. Maybe you should give it a try."

He sounded serious, and there was no sarcasm or amusement in his voice as his eyes trailed the length of my legs.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. How did he know? I had not told him I was a runner.

He raised an arched brow inquiringly at my surprised face.

"That was what I was planning to do," I said.

"Oh really? I told you I am hardly wrong about anything. Go ahead then hottie, and show them what you can do." He said jogging away.

The stadium was almost as it was earlier, there were still flags and banners everywhere but the bleachers were empty and the platform and box at the field were gone. A mixture of girls from the four different teams were gathered at the track, and I strode to them.

The group of girls turned to me as I approached them, Becky was with them and so was Laura. Coach Gloria and the Tiger's team coach stood before the group, a whistle around the neck of the Tiger's coach and a clipboard in Coach Gloria's hands. I got to them and bowed to the coaches, standing a bit away from the group.

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