{18} The Circle ~ D

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Kevin took his position thoughtfully in the circle and clenched his jaw as he spoke.

"Dare," he answered.

So like the mouse, always ready for a good challenge. "I dare you..." I started but paused when it happened again.

"Not me. I've never been cold," another child said, cutting me shut.

It was a voice I recognized this time. A voice I knew too well, because it was mine.

"Gosh, the two of you always have to put on a show," Laura said impatiently, smacking her gum loudly and rolling her eyes. But Kevin and Lawrence were watching me closely-Lawrence with concern and Kevin suspiciously.

"I dare you to kiss Peculiar for five minutes." I completed my words, and sighs and grunts arose.

"Such a waste of time," someone said disappointedly.

It was definitely a waste of time for the others. However, it had the intended effect on Kevin. His eyes narrowed until they were like two small slits on his dark face, and a sneer appeared on his set lips.

He looked over to Peculiar, and his hard jaws spasmed as he clenched them.

"Go get her man," Chad gave an encouraging cheer, but seconds later, he wished he had swallowed his words.

"Shut the fuck up!" Kevin said crossly, and Chad's excitement reduced to an uncomfortable and confused look as he wondered what he had done wrong.

Kevin remained seated. His broad shoulders became straighter, and he looked bigger than usual at that moment, as Peculiar stared at him with those innocent poppy looks she always had on.

"I will pass," He said icily, the words coming out like a hiss through his teeth.

Peculiar lowered her gaze and clenched the hem of her shirt firmly.

"Afraid of a little kiss?" I teased. Enjoying the torn look on his face as he saw how badly he had hurt Peculiar.

I could never get bored of playing with him.

He glared at me with hatred and contempt. "I will pay the penalty fee," he said.

I laughed. "I am sure you will. But I hope for your sake, that there's enough from wherever the fee is coming from."

"You're insane," he said through gritted teeth.
"You all are!" He looked at me, Becky, and Lawrence as his hands formed a fist.

Lawrence couldn't care less about what Kevin said but was still watching me closely, while Becky chuckled.But something else was happening to me, ruining my chance to enjoy the game. The room was beginning to spin, and the voices were getting farther and farther away. I felt dizzy, unable to focus on anything.

Nat-Geo-Wild was showing on television now, and there was suddenly more than one TV in the room and two of everyone. I turned to Lawrence, and his worried face was double, as were Becky and Kevin.

I felt tired, and I wanted to close my eyes and take a long nap. So I did just that. I leaned back on the couch and shut my eyes.

"What is your name?" the little girl asked again.

"My name is Drake," I answered.

The voices were clearer now, and the place was getting noisier. I could hear music and crying and smell dust in the atmosphere. I was no longer sitting but standing on my feet, and very slowly, I opened my eyes to see a place that was not the common room.

I was somewhere else. Back in my neighborhood. I could see my house, and it was surrounded by crowds, canopies, and loud but easy music. Right at my gate was my grandmother's funeral poster, with 1964-2005 written on it. All around were funeral programs, half-eaten meals, bottled drinks, and water on each rich table. Some people were in black and had swollen eyes from tears that still flowed with great effort and loud wailing. While others were dressed in various uniformed materials called Aṣọ-ẹbí.

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