{11} A mouse in a psycho's trap ~ D

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"Get me out of here," she said. "Please, you have to help me," she begged.

She stretched out her hands to me in the darkness, and I saw the outline of her slender fingers.

"Who are you?" I asked, moving closer to the faceless person before me, but no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't make out a face or a body, as we were both submerged in total darkness.

"You have to get me out of here," she repeated, and her frightened voice broke, dry sobs escaping her throat. "Please!" she begged as she reached out and grabbed the helm of my shirt.

It was a desperate cry for help that reverberated through me, fastening my heartbeat, pumping hot blood into my veins, and circulating an alien feeling into every part of my system. The alien feeling grew in seconds, attaching itself to every cell and atom of my being. My blood became hotter, boiling with an intensity I could not comprehend. And something sparked within me—a flame of fury ignited. I suddenly felt starved. My senses craved for one thing: to protect this girl. Whoever she may be

I reached out slowly to hold her hands, but the moment I made contact with her skin, she let out an ear-piercing scream.

Like the wail of the banshee, her voice was pure anguish, containing so much pain that no man with a heart of flesh could withstand. But I was built of stone, so I stood still with her hands in mine, refusing to let go, even as she struggled to break the contact. I could feel every raw pain she felt, and I could sense every terror. It was a pain I could only compare to being burned alive, and I absorbed it all.

My feet were rocks on the ground, keeping me steady even when I felt like I would explode and my flesh was being ripped from my bones. I held onto her hands like I was clinging to life, tightening my grip. I won't ever let go, not even if it kills me.

"You are safe with me," I assured her. "I would get you out of here, I promise." My voice was composed despite the turmoil going on inside of me.

Her screams seized, and she stopped struggling. I didn't know why I made such a promise, but I was going to do everything to drag her out of this darkness. And while she calmed down, the ignited fire in me burned on as I took in her pains until even her trembling fingers relaxed in my palms.

Once she was relaxed, the flames no longer hurt. I was burning like hellfire itself, my blood boiling, and the once unbearable heat was now surging through my veins, but somehow, it felt so right. It was a sensation I had never felt before. At that moment, I felt like I could play forever with fire.

My eyelids flew open.

I was welcomed back to reality with Becky's radiant smile and her hands stroking my face. I looked around me. The deep blue of the wall, the rug on the floor, the TV, and the bed I was on made it clear that it was my room. I was sprawled on my bed with my head on Becky's lap. She had only her bra and underwear on, while I wore just my boxer briefs.

I sat up confused for a second, but the moments before I drifted off to sleep came back to me, and I immediately remembered everything that happened. I placed a shaky palm on my chest and felt my drumming heart. It had been nearly three weeks since I last had this weird dream and a month since it started, and here I was again, waking up this way for the fourth time. I was used to having lucid dreams, but none of them made me feel like this one did.

Becky sat up, wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind, and planted a kiss on my forehead. "What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" She asked.

It wasn't the way I felt about the fire that bothered me. How could it be when I have been having lucid dreams about fire since I was a child and had a difficult time differentiating my dreams from reality? What bothered me was the novelty in my dream life—the presence of a girl who started appearing in my dream world a month ago. Who was she, and what did she want? And why on earth did she make me feel this way? That was what fucked up my already messed-up head.

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