ch 4( deal )

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Araya : I didn't saw anything .

Suga hurriedly came into the room and asked " Araya are you fine"

Taehyung : what you guys are doing here 🤯

Araya:  we are just hanging out in you room .

Taehyung:  what ???? what's in your hand ? show me that !

*Taehyung took the papers from Araya's hand and understood the situation *

Taehyung:  so you guys are here for stealing my project papers haa ?

Araya:  yes 

Taehyung :  but bad luck , you are caught . now I'll  sue you both for trespassing , stealing , invading my private space , stalking me , and physically harassing me . 

Araya:  what ?? I didn't harassed you !

Taehyung: yeah ..... but I'll include that tooo  just for fun .

Araya and Suga both at once  : before that you will be dead ! 

Taehyung : wait a sec bro! . you didn't saw security cameras outside my house right !. if I'm dead now, you guys will  be in jail tomorrow. 

Araya thinking ( I don't care about myself but what about Suga's parents reputation . I dragged him into this . its my mistake 😣)

Araya : ok fine . lets make a deal . I'll  do anything but don't drag Suga into this ,please . 

Suga: Araya what ?? lets handle this together .

Araya : no dude! you stay out of this . its my mistake . I have to pay for this .   Taehyung say me! what I should do .

Taehyung : ok fine , then be my servant for a month.

Suga: what ???? do you have a death wish ?

Taehyung : if you don't like then let it be . I'm going to call police.

Araya. wait ! I'm ready to do this 

Suga: but Ara...

Araya: its ok Suga its just a month . 

Taehyung: good! for this one month ,I'll be your boss and you will be my servant . you should do all the stuff which I told you to do . 

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