ch 8( roller coaster)

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*few day passed *

from past few days Araya had confusing thoughts running her mind so she decided to see a psychiatrist .

doc: so tell me . how you're feeling

Araya: well  I saw my self changing now a days . 

doc: in what way?

Araya: I'm acting weird . I'm not frequently getting angry , I'm not thinking to take revenge ,i having weird expressions like "smile ". most important thing is I'm forgiving someone who should be killed .

doc: 😅. lets meet in the next session .

Araya and Suga went to amusement park . Araya usually goes to amusement park to refresh her mind .

Suga: Araya ! lets play something nice ! how about a shooting game .

Araya: oooooooooo lets go ! 

*at shooting game*

Araya and Suga met Taehyung at shooting game spot 

Taehyung: hey! what you guys are doing here?

Suga : sorry  ! we don't know that you was here . we will go . come Araya ,lets go .

Taehyung: hey , hey , hey wait! I didn't mean that . why  this dude is always on fire . anyways , Araya come and a have a game with me 

suga: i think you forgot . let me remind you . one month of agreement has already expired . now she don't have nothing to do with you.

Taehyung: yeah ! I know that . I'm just asking her to play with me as a friend . Araya , if you beat me in this game I'll do anything you want . 

Araya: ok sure . lets play.

Suga: mark my words Taehyung . you gonna loose this game 

Taehyung : lets see! 

it was Taehyung's turn he aimed the target and started shooting balloons . he got every short right .

Taehyung: 😏. what do you think Araya . can you beat me?

now its Araya's turn . she took the gun , turned towards Taehyung who was standing beside her , looked into his eyes and started shooting balloons without looking at balloons . BHOOOM. she got every short .


Suga thinking // Taehyung , you  might have played with toy guns in you childhood . but my devil played with real guns 😏😎//

Araya : are you ready to take my orders ?

Taehyung: ahhm 😅 yes master!

Araya : lets go on roller coaster  ride !

Taehyung : wait what? no Araya please I'm afraid of rides 

Araya : I won't listen to you.

Suga's flashback when he got on a roller coaster ride with Araya was so terrifying .

Suga: Araya! I'm suddenly feeling nauseous . I think I can't go , you guys can have fun. I'll wait here.

Taehyung: brother ! please take me with you . I'm afraid of rides 

Araya dragged Taehyung 

*on a roller coaster ride*

Araya: don't be afraid . its not yet started . open your eyes 

Taehyung:  ( while eyes closed) its ok . I'm fine .


Araya : waahhhhhhhhhhh it'ss sooooo funn

Taehyung :( screaming ) please help meeeeeeeeeee.

Araya : (shouting) open your eyes . its so beautiful  

Taehyung : no oooooooo . my heart is beating so fast . I'm gonna die !

Taehyung grabbed Araya's  so tight . 

*ride ended*

Araya : Taehyung get up 🤣 ride has ended.

Taehyung: thank god . it end 

Araya was searching for Suga 

Taehyung:  Araya listen ! something is wrong with my vision . I'm feeling dizzy 

*Taehyung fall on Araya*

Araya's heart started beating fast .her mind was blank . her hear beat rate was rapidly increasing . she felt as she was about to die . 

suddenly Suga came and grabbed Taehyung hand to move him away from Araya. 

Araya took a long breath 

Suga : why he was leaning on you?  he passed out ! i didn't expect him to be this weak.


Suga: are you ok buddy! 

Araya: mmmm...... yeah . I'm fine .

Suga: ok then, lets go . we have to drop this waste at his home .

* next morning*

doc: ok lets start our todays session . 

Araya : doc! I think I have a heat disease . yesterday when he fell on me , my heart suddenly started beating so fast . my face became red and my ear got heated . I was sweating . 

doc:  mmmmm let me think . yes . you are right . you are suffering with a heart disease 

Araya: is it serious ?

doc:   yes. because it doesn't has any treatment .

Araya:  what's  this disease called 

doc:  "love"

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