ch 18(ending)

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ken took gun and aimed at Taehyung " I won't let you guys live " 

ken was about to pull trigger 

*gunshot sound*

Araya's dad Kevin came into scene . 

Kevin: how dare you touch my daughter . 

Kevin started to shoot everyone  

Kevin  is more aggressive then Araya. within a few seconds that place became pool of blood . 

Kevin took Araya  to hospital . 

*at hospital*

doctor: we will try our best to save her . 

Taehyung : don't talk about trying . you have to save her at any cost otherwise your hospital will go under crises .

after a while 

Kevin: how is my daughter ?

doctor : we are try............... no. we are saving her .

Kevin: you have to , otherwise you will lose your last breath today ! 

doctors thinking( are they grim reapers or what )

meanwhile Suga came and asked " how is Araya?"

doctor : she is absolutely fine . she is sleeping right now. I'll inform you when she's awake .

Suga : ok 😮‍💨

doctor :😮‍💨

fortunately Araya was out of danger . along with Kevin, Taehyung and  Suga,  doctors were also happy because their lives were also in out of danger zone . 

after few days 

*at Araya and Taehyung's wedding *

everyone was waiting for groom and bride 

Kevin: Suga where is Taehyung and Araya ?

Suga: ammmm . actually uncle ....... Taehyung is teaching Araya how to walk in wedding dress .😅

scene shifts to Araya and Taehyung

Taehyung : no! not like that . you have to walk like a girl . 

Araya: oh my god ! I can't and by the way , you don't know how to kiss . should I tech you . 

Taehyung :😏what did you say ? hmmm I think I should show you this 

Araya: no !😅. I was just kidding . you don't hav................ 

well! you guys imagine what happened next . 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS FICTION . // I hope you guys enjoyed my first fiction . thanks for your support . //

my first love (Ara x Tae) ends here .

lets meet in my next fiction .❤️❤️❤️❤️ bye👋👋👋

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