An Exhausting Series of Daily Events

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Eddie felt at peace, lying with Alisha in her arms. Eddie could hear a voice whispering to him. "Eddie," it said. "Oh, Eddie."

He kept nuzzling and groaning in his sleep until something hit him in the head. "Hey, kid! Wake up." The voice said, annoyed, which got Eddie's attention, waking him up.

"Mmm? Mwah-huh?" Eddie mumbled, still groggy from his rude awakening. He looked around where he could and saw Shoutmon standing above Eddie on the railing, wearing the snarkiest-looking smirk he believed his sharp-toothed muzzle had ever made. "Shu...Shoutmon? What are you–?"

"So 'this' is what you were up to while we were eating, huh?" Shoutmon chuckled and smirked, standing on the railing and looking down like a drill sergeant. "Ya know, if all you wanted to do was have some 'private' time together, you could've just told me. You could've picked a better location to accommodate you two instead of just getting busy here, where everyone could walk in. Hahaha!" 

"Wha-?" Eddie said, still tired and confused. Then he looked down to his side and saw the princess nuzzling up to him. He could hear her moaning, nuzzling her head more into him, wearing a smile on her face. She must be dreaming of something pleasant. Suddenly, Eddie's eyes widened, and his face blushed. Now he understood what Shoutmon said: They were both together in bed. She nuzzled up to him. Their clothes were messy, including their hair. As Shoutmon said, anyone probably would've thought the same thing he must've been!
He could feel his face getting hot. "I... wait, no, hold on," Eddie stammered, still sleepy and in a daze. "We didn't - I mean, I didn't - this is all just–"

He could feel Alisha moving around next to him. Each moan she made in her sleep made him nervous and probably didn't help his case. Shoutmon simply raised an eyebrow, still smirking at him.

Alisha turned and moaned when she heard voices waking her. "Whoever it is, give us five more minutes," she mumbled. "we're trying to sleep."

An even wider grin appeared on Shoutmon's mouth as Eddie panicked and stared at him, mouthing, 'No! Please no. Don't you dare! She's going–'

"Oh, but of course, your highness," Shoutmon spoke loudly, almost like he intended for the entire hallway to hear. "I shall leave you and your dear BOYFRIEND here to enjoy each other's company more! Surely you must be exhausted from whatever special conversation/ACTIVITIES you two had last night! Hahaha!"

Eddie couldn't do anything but stay frozen in place like a statue, feeling as if his whole body had turned red and overheating from Shoutmon's elaborate stunt. All he could do was nervously lay there as Shoutmon fell to the ground, bursting into laughter.

Alisha got up from her position and groggily replied, "Wh-what boyfriend? I don't have a-a boyfriend." 

"Behehehahaha, oh no? Hehehe, then who's that?!?! Hahaha!!"

Alisha groggily looked at Eddie. "Mot my boy or whatever," she face-planted on the pillow. Eddie just covered his face with his hands, feeling beet red. 

When he felt her faceplant on her pillow, Eddie couldn't help but fall back with her, whining, "Please stop, please stop, for the love of Cholo, please stop."

But Shoutmon kept laughing until a crowd of maids and servants came to the door, followed by Rilys, yawning a bit. "Uwahhh, wha-what's going on?" said Rilys. "You know better than to scream this early in the mor–" he stopped when he saw the scene, followed by Shoutmon leaning on his staff, trying to control himself. "--ning?? Y-you're majesty?" His eyes then went wide, the kind of wide-eyed look a puppy would make when begging for food at the counter. Eddie could immediately tell what was going on in his head.

"N-no, no," Eddie said behind covered hands. "R-Rilys, don't you dare please say–"
But it was too late. Because the next thing anyone in the hallway heard was Rilys yelling cheerfully, "Prince Edward's got a GIRLFRIEND!! Yayy!! I gotta tell people, this is such an amazing thing!" Rilys pushed through the maids and servants in the doorway, who were soon clapping, as he ran down the halls cheering.

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