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Alisha smiled as Eddie fell limp and asleep in her hold, almost peaceful. Alisha felt like she was holding a sleeping child in her arms. Alisha couldn't help but enjoy his shy behavior toward her and his child-like deal with pinky promises. She didn't catch what he said last, but it seemed critical for him to tell her.

Anaka paced around them in a circle. She looked back at where they came from before looking back at her companion. Should I get some help?

"No, Anaka, it's okay," answered Alisha. "I just want to hold him a bit longer. If you want to get Shoutmon, that's fine. You can tell him that everything is okay."

You got it. Anaka spread her wings open and flew toward the castle.

Alisha sighed in relief as she rocked him and hummed a tune.

She told Eddie the truth. Alisha did need him. She didn't know how to explain it, but she might care for him. Eddie has been sweet toward her. Alisha started to feel the burning in her legs exchange with a tingling sensation of her legs growing numb. She looked at her scrape to see the blood trickling down her leg. Alisha knew and understood it was an accident; she could forgive him.

The memories and encounters she had with Eddie flashed through her mind. Alisha was there for Eddie, enjoying each other's company. Alisha knew what he did to erase his ties with his kingdom and protect her from them. Alisha never lied to him when she told Eddie was cute with his fox ears and tail. Has he always been that cute?

Alisha never had any suitors since she got raped or even before then. Alisha's father never allowed it since he protected her from the outside world, and her father didn't want to see her hurt again. She wasn't even sure if she could find a suitor. Or what if she did? Alisha glanced at Eddie sleeping peacefully. Is it possible that she might like him? The memories flashed in her mind again. She felt a heat in her cheeks at the thought of her having feelings for Eddie. What would her father think? No, no, wait, our kingdoms are enemies- rivals even. Could Eddie and I end the war? No, hold on, that vision I had last night. Something horrible is going to happen, right?

Alisha held Eddie tighter. "I'm going to protect you, Eddie, no matter what happens."

"Hey," said a voice in the distance. Alisha looked to see a red figure coming her way. It was Shoutmon, led by Anaka. He hurried as quickly as his legs could carry him until he came to a halt, leaning forward as he held his knees and panted like a dog. "Ugh," he groaned. "I'm starting... to think... that I shouldn't... have given you... my staff. Whew, I hate running! I can't keep running like this!"

Well, if you had wings, you wouldn't have this problem. Anaka remarked, landing next to him and bumping into his leg. Whether it was intentional or not, he couldn't tell, but he could tell her remark was an insult.

"Grrr, yeah, well, I'm so sorry I wasn't born the same species as you," he growled sarcastically. "It's not like I planned to be hatched without wings!"

Anaka rolled her eyes. Some of us are luckier than others, huh?

"Grrr, why you–" Shoutmon grumbled.

"Are you guys done bickering?" asked Alisha.

Both dragons turned to look at the princess and ran over to her aid. "How's the kid?" Shoutmon asked as he saw the scorch marks on the ground and checked for other hot spots. "Nothing too bad happened, right?"

"No, thankfully, I think we are going to be okay," she answered. "Although, my legs fell asleep. I don't think I can move. I also don't want to either. Eddie is sleeping peacefully." Alisha felt her cheeks warm as she smiled slightly at Eddie resting.

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