Viking History Lesson

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"You know I was asking about the library because I did want to go back in there for ideas for the Festival, but I think it would make a nice little history lesson," replied Alisha. "What do you think? Do you want to join me?"

Eddie thought for a brief moment. He wasn't sure whether it was a good idea. Then again, it would be a good opportunity to learn more about this festival everyone kept talking about. "Sure," he answered. "Why not, I guess."

Alisha beamed. "Great."

Alisha kept scanning the numerous books and when she found one on the Viking subject, she gave them to Eddie. "All right," she replied, as she was reaching for the last book. "This is the last one."

Eddie looked down at the pile of books in his hands. He looked at the titles to see that they were a different set of symbols than he saw in the blue book earlier. He wasn't sure if he was even reading a language, since they looked like lines and dashes. "Hey, Alisha, I know that you said that we were doing a Viking theme, but it seems like we might have a problem considering the text. How did you guys make a Viking theme if you can't even read this stuff?"

"That's where this book comes in handy," answered Alisha, coming down the stairs. "This book has the entire Viking alphabet, and my father made many copies."

"Whoa," Eddie said in awe. "That's kinda cool."

"Yeah," smiled Alisha. "My father was thinking about adding the translation under the text, but that would take a lot of time and dedication."

"Mmm, yeah, I guess that would make sense," Eddie agreed, nodding his head. "I can only imagine how much ink he would've had to use for that."

"Yeah, that's true. So, do you want us to sit at the tables or on the floor?"

"Uhh, well–" Before Eddie could answer, his foot misstepped, causing him to trip and nearly fall. The books and pages he held, flailed into the air, some hitting the ground with a loud thud! and clatter! His face felt red with embarrassment, as Alisha held a hand to her mouth, trying not to laugh at his blunder. As she reached for his arm to keep him steady, she said, "Hmhm, I guess that answers that question, doesn't it?"

She kneeled to collect some of the sprawled-open books off the ground, making a space for them to safely sit without tearing any pages and scrolls. She gently tugged Eddie's sleeve, signaling him to sit down with her, which he did so. As she tugged him closer to her, looping her arm around his, she looked at a page the book had opened to when it fell. "Oooh, this is a good place to start," she assured him, as she tilted her head on his shoulder, getting a better view of the book.

"Hmm?" Eddie felt his face flush as he was trying to focus on the page.

"So, do you want to know why we have so much Viking history here?"

"Gonna be honest, the thought had crossed my mind once or twice."

"Well, let's just say that Vikings have crossed the open waters to get here." Alisha then pointed to the old Viking charts that showed the landmarks and constellations from the Olden Days. "They survived the Serpent's attacks and blended into our society. They're the only ones to sail across the ocean and survive. My father always said, 'Heart of Vikings, Faith of Goldeous,' and it's true. I'm probably the great-great-granddaughter of the Viking Chief."

Alisha then turned the page, showing a variety of hand-drawn family trees on both pages, some worn out and faded, while others appeared to have been redrawn and outlined to match the original ink. "We all have a part of the Viking warrior within us. It's a good thing to keep it alive, you know?"

As she turned the next page, the same words that she had said earlier were sprawled in golden letters: 'Heart of Vikings, Faith in Goldeous!'

"The most interesting thing is that he always ended a speech with those words. I think the most beautiful thing is hearing the soldiers sing. We don't always sing hymns and stuff, but we like to keep telling the history of our kingdom." She looked up at the ceiling, her eyes closed, reminiscing the festivities of 'Cultural Days' past. "Maybe one day, you guys can hear them. They used to give me wonderful goosebumps whenever I heard them. This is why we host the Cultural Day, it's just a day of remembering the culture of the people from our past."

Alisha finished explaining and looked at Eddie. "Sorry, was that too much?"

Eddie simply chuckled, holding her close to him as he tried his best to read the pages that she had displayed. "Hehe, maybe a little bit," he laughed. "But I got the gist of some of it."

"Oh yeah?" asked Alisha.

"Yeah," Eddie answered her. "What you're saying is the festival is a way to remember the heritage you acquired from the Vikings, whom you share a long and somewhat strong bloodline with. Right?"

Alisha nodded as she beamed a smile at him. "That's right. And it doesn't just stop there."


"The blacksmith even knows how to make the old Viking weapons, but do you want to know what my favorite thing to do was when I was a kid?"

Eddie looked at her with interest and asked, "Let me guess, playing with said weapons? Hehe."

Alisha chuckled. "Nope, I used to play Vikings with Lucinda, and I wore face paint."

Eddie's eyes lit up with a little excitement. "Oooh," he awed. "That sounds like it was fun."

"It was," she smiled and began flipping through the delicate pages. "I think we have a section somewhere with the different meanings for said face paints."

Eddie raised his arms, stretching as he readjusted his posture, trying to get a better sitting position for the books. "Well then," he said as he stretched. "Maybe when the festival comes you can help me do some painting." He then beamed her back a smile, the same as she did to him earlier.

Alisha felt a blush run across her face as she saw his sweet smile, to the point she looked back down at the book, trying to cover her face with the pages as she chuckled, saying, "Hehe, yeah, maybe I will."

Alisha yawned and cuddled up next to him. "Mmm, looking through all of these books," she began nuzzling against him. "I'm kind of tired."

Feeling the dear princess pressed against him, Eddie felt a nervous shiver crawl down his spine as he blushed. "I, um, w-well," he stuttered. "I-if you want, we can just, um, sit here and just nap for a little bit. I'm sure no one will be too worried about us for a while."

As she laid the book down on her lap, she repositioned herself so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

"Mmm, sounds good to me," She said softly, her eyes feeling heavy now. She wrapped her arm around his as she leaned her head closer to his as she yawned more, feeling even sleepier. "I'm just gonna... mmm... just gonna rest my head here for a little while, m'kay?"

Eddie nodded his head, foolishly remembering she can't see his face right now, then whispered, "Of course, milady." He nuzzled her gently with his head, yawning, then slowly let his eyelids droop as well, falling asleep in the library, without a care in the world.

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