The Storm

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Alisha finally calmed down. She still felt broken inside. She opened the door, finding Anaka at her doorstep with her head down.


The hatchling sniffed. I tried talking to Eddie, but he pushed me away.

Alisha's lip trembled. "Come here. We can stay on the balcony together."

Anaka flew into Alisha's hold. The princess closed the door behind her and headed out to the balcony. Alisha watched the sunset over the ocean. The dark gray clouds had hints of pink, purple, and orange.

"Some day, we are having," replied the princess. Anaka bounded out of the princess's hold. Alisha sat on the balcony floor and rested her arms on the terrace. Anaka jumped to the railing.

It looks like it's going to rain. We should get inside, suggested Anaka. They heard the storm grow as the thunder roared and a raindrop fell on Anaka's head. Oh, correction. It is raining. Anaka looked at the princess as she watched the rain pour down. You know you have two options. You can stop the rain, or you can come inside.

"No, I'd rather not do anything right now," the princess answered.

Anaka's eyes lit up with shock. You are going to get sick if you stay out here.

"So be it," she lowered her head into her arms. Alisha felt the storm grow worse as the rain soaked through her dress, making it stick to her body. She felt every strand of her ash-blonde hair drenched as it changed to brown.

Alisha never heard Anaka leave. Alisha watched the rain pour as the sky lit up with lighting and roared with thunder. She felt her warm tears collide with the rain as they caressed her cheek.


Alisha looked back to see Lucinda. "What are you doing out here? It's going to get worse."

"It's just water, Lucy."

"It's not just that, Alisha. It's cold and wet out here. You're going to catch a cold."

Alisha looked away and stared out into the distance of the island. The world seemed big. She never left - no one could. She looked at the open waters to see its calmness despite a serpent swimming in the ocean.

"Alisha, I don't know what's going on unless you tell me," pleaded Lucinda. "We're best friends."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You read them. What's it like?"

"Oh, well, most characters get butterflies in their stomach. They are most happy being around a specific person."

"I guess I don't have a crush on him then," replied Alisha sadly. "I thought I was happy around him, but I was wrong. I haven't felt anything in my stomach, just emptiness and a growing fetus."

"Wait, what?" replied Lucinda, shocked. "You thought you had a crush on Eddie?"

Alisha looked back at Lucinda. "Yeah?"

"Well, then, that's an interesting turn of events. Oh no, wait," Lucinda covered her mouth with her hand. "He flat-out indirectly rejected you. Okay, I'm going to pound that princely butt of his. No one makes my best friend upset and gets away with it."

Lucinda squared her hands to punch Eddie, and she turned about to walk away. "Lucinda, wait, stay please," Lucinda stopped and turned back toward the princess. "He's so confusing. I don't get boys."

Lucinda sighed and sat next to the princess. "Yeah, that's boys for you. They like to keep their emotions to themselves, which is frustrating."

"Luc, he's hurt badly, and I want to help him. Eddie won't accept my help if he pushes me away."

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