The Check

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Eddie smiled as Alisha went limp in his arms. He shifted her so he could pick her up bridal style. In doing so, he held her close as she slept in his arms.

"Is she all right?" asked her mother.

"Yeah, she just fell asleep. Although, I think her suicide attempt isn't the thing that we should be worried about."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to take her to the nurse," he told her rapidly. His senses were spiking, and he was sure now.

"Do you want me to get someone?"

He studied Alisha's peaceful expression of sleep. "Nah, I'm good. I can carry her."

"All right then, let me know if there's anything that I need to know about."

"Believe me, there might be," he told her, standing up. "I'll send someone to fetch you if I'm right."


He left the room without another word. He found the stairs without a problem and held onto the princess tightly. He was taking a step at a time for fear of dropping her. She moaned from time to time, and her eyes would open faintly. "Shh, it's okay, you can go back to sleep," he told her softly. "You're going to be just fine."

She smiled faintly before nuzzling and going back to sleep. Eddie smiled, wondering whether whoever would be her husband would enjoy how peaceful she was. He looked down, realizing that he was halfway down the stairwell.

He exhaled as he continued down the stairs. The aroma that he smelled was getting stronger with every step. He needed to get the princess to the nurse. When he finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, he exhaled in relief. He was almost to the nurse; it was just down the hall now. He had been lucky so far and hadn't stopped by anyone.

He looked down the hall; the maids were going about their business. It was going to be a battlefield being unseen. He hoped it would be a simple cakewalk, but his gut knew it wouldn't. He took his steps forward down the hall, and he held Alisha close. She moaned quietly, too quietly for anyone to hear.

He continued down the hall, a step at a time.

"Uh, excuse me, sir. Where are you taking the princess?" asked a voice behind him. "She was kidnapped once before, so you better release her."

He looked back at the maid, who had a rag with a bucket of soap and water. "Quite the opposite actually, I'm taking her to the nurse, and that's all."

Alisha heard someone talking. She opened her eyes faintly. The stranger's grip around was firm, but it was also warm.

"Quite the opposite actually, I'm taking her to the nurse, and that's all," the stranger replied.

The nurse? Why? I'm not sick or hurt, so why are you taking me there? More importantly, what's your name?

"Why don't I believe you?" the maid warned.

"If you are concerned, then please follow me. If what I'm saying is true, you would go to the kitchen and bring out a meal for your princess. If not, please, you may call the guards."

Out of the corner of her eyes, the maid's tension may have lifted. It only made the stranger tense.

The maid nodded in agreement; the stranger continued on his journey into taking her to the nurse. Alisha covered her mouth with her hand, almost throwing up. Of course, nothing came up, but she wished her gag reflexes weren't sharp.

"Are you okay?" asked the stranger, concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I've been feeling like throwing up for a couple of weeks now," explained the princess. It wasn't any of his business, but she couldn't lie. She saw the stranger's eyes widen as if he knew what was wrong with her.

Eddie was sure of it now. He didn't even need the nurse to know that she was pregnant. Only how? She didn't even look pregnant.

"Are you okay?" asked Alisha, concerned.

He looked at her; she seemed scared but worried. He couldn't blame her, and he'd feel the same way if he was in her place.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Your Highness. You don't need to worry about me," he reassured her. He hoped that he'd convinced her enough. He didn't want anyone to worry about him. He was on his own now, and he didn't need anyone. If anything, he wanted to be helpful in some way. Maybe a Captain or a Guardian, or something.

He walked through the nurse's doors and saw the nurse straightening the bed that he used. "Uh, excuse me, nurse?" he asked. She looked at him. "I think you might need to recheck something from a few years ago."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I'm Positive."

The maid gasped behind him and ran out, hoping to get that food tray he suggested.

He looked at Alisha, who looked confused. He could imagine the things that she might be thinking right now. 

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