Preparing For The Future

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"Mother, wait," Alisha called out. "You're okay with everything that is happening?"

The queen stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Yes, sweetheart, I have come to terms with things. Nothing can change what has happened. Only Goldeous can change anything if he wishes. I saw the determination in your eyes; it reminded me of your father. I often grew weak from the sparkle in his eyes. Never lose that spark, Alisha, and I trust your judgment."

"So, what should I do now?" she asked.

"Don't worry about anything, sweetheart," her mother said. "I will take care of the critical things for you and the baby."

"Thanks, Mom," replied Alisha, breathing more at ease. "Hey, Mom, I know this is going to sound strange. I had a future vision last night."

"Sweetheart, are you sure?" asked the concerned queen.

"Yes," Alisha confirmed. "Elestelia and Chermono are going to fight again, but this time he was there. I was on the battlefield, and Eddie sounded like he was in trouble."

The Queen's expression was troubled. "If you were on the battlefield, you know what you need to do."

Alisha nodded. "Time to go back to training."

Eddie could not believe he had fallen for a trick like that. He wanted to hit his head on the wall and scream into a pillow all at once. Eddie fell for a pinky promise hoping Shoutmon would keep his secret quiet. Only now, Shoutmon promised he would as long as Eddie confessed his feelings for Alisha. So many scenarios played in his mind of how it could all go wrong. He only rocked himself into a panic, hoping it was all a bad dream and he'd wake up. Eddie could hear his heart beating out of his chest as he thought of the princess. Their kingdoms are rivals, and yet he fell for her hard. She was always caring and gentle. Eddie swore his heart broke when she told him about her rapist. His heart raced a mile whenever she pulled his shirt toward her face. Eddie almost felt tempted to kiss her plump lips, but he shook the thought. There wasn't any way she'd let him do anything like that to her.

Eddie kept shaking every thought that involved any form of touching her romantically. However, every such act he shook from his head made him think even more about it and further beyond. Eddie punched himself right in the face as a natural reaction. "Stop thinking about it," he yelled at himself. "You're not allowed to think of stuff like that, especially towards her! Your 'only' purpose is to train her how to fight, help her with her soon-to-be baby, and teach her new..... new...." His mind soon trailed on, which made him imagine another romantic scene between him and the princess. He saw himself lifting her in his arms like the princess she was and laying her on a bed. He saw himself slowly crawling up her body as she giggled at him, staring into his eyes, then slowly leaning in for a kiss as he pressed his chest against hers. Before the scenario could continue, Eddie grabbed and pulled at his hair while he shook his head violently, making the imagination dissipate. "Gahhh, no, not those kinds of new things!!! No! Bad Eddie! A freak like you deserves no love! The sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner you can focus on more important things!"

He quickly bounded into the palace, hoping to take a quick bath. The princess wouldn't mind if he used hers since he didn't have much of a tour around the entire palace. As he nervously walked up and down each stairway and hall, he couldn't help but feel someone was watching him. Make that more than someone, as he noticed a few servants looking at him but trying not to look evident. While he saw the maids trying to stay as close to the walls or their rooms as possible, looking at him nervously and timidly.

Hmm, w-weird. Eddie thought. What's got them all in a nervous state? He felt as if everyone's eyes were stabbing his body, so he tried hiding his head low like a turtle going into his shell. M-ma-maybe they're still feeling off about the misunderstanding from this morning. Rilys is probably still running around. I-I should find him later. He made it to the Princess's door, very nervous, and lightly knocked on the door. He didn't hear anyone inside. Maybe she's not inside. He thought. Probably for the best since it'd be weird trying to bathe while she's in there. He didn't know if he should say anything, convinced she was no longer inside. Eddie's thoughts consumed his thoughts; Eddie tried to get rid of them, so he opened the door and entered.

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