Mission Improbable

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Warning: mild graphic violence

A flashy blur zoomed through the halls of the Elestelian palace. Flying through the rooms, in and out, in a zooming, slithering motion through the air. It reached a corner where a triple fork paved different directions. To one side, another empty hallway with numerous rooms, some possibly full of people, while others not so. The other side, the clattering of metal and wood stirring and banging against surfaces, followed by a noisy ape and dragon causing a ruckus (nothing it hasn't already witnessed before). Then finally, down the third passageway laid a large door, left slightly open. In other words: The Library. The blur slithered its way down the center passage and seeped through the crack in the doors, like a shadow peeking through the faintest bit of light.

It creeped through the doors and up the walls, slithering above the ceiling until it circled and wrapped around a chandelier, staring down with four beady scarlet eyes, with rings around its pupils. As its eyes adjusted to its shady environment, it looked down with a glare at what lied below: a Princess of her land, and a 'traitorous' runaway Prince of a frightening kingdom. Then, its form shifted from a scrawny thin sliver of a shadow, to a true form: It wrapped around the chandelier with a 5-foot-long spindly tail, with what appeared to be five spiney scales that could be mistaken for fingers on a hand.

Its wings sprawled out, thin with a spike on each end of its wing-curves, revealing an athletic-like build covered in black and brown colored scales and leather. Its hands outstretched, unfolding into three separate arms, each one thick as tree branches. Its hands pulled out a small bow and spinal thorn, dripped with an unknown liquid.

Whatever this creature was, its profession was clear: It had been sent by the Chermonoan Empire as a hired blade.

Its mission: Hunt down the runaway 'traitor', Prince Edikyo Inferneliese Charlamange..... and ELIMINATE him. By order of 'Lord' Vorrono Von Icevaowl Charlemagne.

The creature placed the thorn in the small bow, its eye narrowing, the rings in its eye rotating and shrinking into its pupil. "Sorry, child," it said in a soft, low, almost monotone voice. "You don't seem much like a threat, but a job's a job. So consider this a form of mercy on my part."

As it pulled back its arm, pulling the string to its weapon, the creature felt an odd breeze from behind it.... but there WASN'T a window in the library. In a quick reaction, the creature kicked itself around, spinning around. As it did, its eyes met with an upside down raging-red glare, as well as a sharp blade pressed right into its neck. Now hung two scaly creatures: One a hired killer, and the other an extreme trained soldier and spy hanging from a scarf.

"You know," Shoutmon snarled with a low growl, his eyes completely red, his hackles raised as he did so. "Normally, a TRUE professional of such craft as this WAITS to speak until the killing blow has been made. And even then, ya wouldn't exactly waste time speaking when you should be planning your escape." He then directed his eyes to his blade, which the creature then eyed himself. "Or in this case, at least plan your obituary, if you know what I mean."

The creature calmly and casually watches the blade, noticing the steady hand of Shoutmon as he holds the blade. With a low grumble of its own, the creature replies, "Mmm, I take your word on it, seeing as I'm guessing you've done this before."

Shoutmon smirked as he continued his glare. "Heh," he scoffed. "You have no idea the things I've done."

The creature scoffed back. "Heh, I will not disagree with that, warrior." Its eye narrowed as it spoke to Shoutmon. "However, there is one thing I must rebuke you on."

"And what is that?"

"Hmm, you see, when I spoke just now..." The creature used its other two eyes to direct Shoutmon to a blade it conveniently had placed behind him with its third arm. "I was more addressing you than I was the boy."

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