Secret Plan: Operation Sick

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Alisha woke up feeling cold despite having a blanket. Her mind felt groggy. "Ugh," she groaned into the pillow. "They warned me. Achoo!"

Alisha pulled the blanket over her head.


"Mmm, tell Lucinda that I'm sick for real," grumbled Alisha under the blanket.


Alisha felt the absence of Anaka leaving her bed. The plan is in motion. I hope this cold blows over so I can get back to training. Alisha cuddled her pillow, feeling uncomfortable. She wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but the blanket couldn't keep her warm enough. Maybe Alisha should ask for another blanket. She felt a warm hand on her forehead. So warm.

"I can't say I'm surprised, your Highness. Damn, you have a fever."

"Mm, no, I don't. Mmm, your hand is so warm," grumbled Alisha. "It's so cold."

"No, Alisha. You are burning hot," corrected Lucinda. "And you're delusional. Get some rest, okay?"

"Mm, I want another blanket," pleaded Alisha. "Please."

"Maybe, if you get some sleep," suggested Lucinda.

"No, you're lying. I want another blanket. I'm cold."

"Yeah, think warm thoughts," replied Lucinda.

Alisha groaned as she attempted to go back to sleep.

Alisha panted and sweated with an immense warmth enveloping her. Alisha felt kisses and a few nibbles upon her neck. She also felt hands touching her from her back to her thighs with incredible heat. Alisha arched her neck back, allowing her body to submit. She moaned as someone pinned her to the bed and kissed her lips. Alisha wrapped her arms around the person's neck and ran her fingers through their hair. The person's hair was soft, and it felt familiar. "Mm, Eddie?"

"Mm, yeah?" he answered. He continued to kiss Alisha's neck and leave his mark on her. It ran shivers up her spine, and her stomach churned. "Are you okay? I'm not being rough, am I?"

"No, you're fine," she smiled.

Eddie felt a slight chill across his body, slowly waking him from his teary slumber. With a groan, he sluggishly opened one eye and saw that his tail had disappeared. Eddie tiringly let his head slam back down on the metal bed. He couldn't bring himself to get up, still remembering the events of last night. I'm so stupid. But it's better this way. I doubt she'd have feelings for me out of all guys or anyone or even creatures. He tried to curl himself tighter, which proved impossible, but Eddie tried. He just wanted to sleep again and possibly never wake up. Shoutmon's words echoed in his head.

"I've learned something throughout my days as your Guardian. It's that you can't hold in your feelings forever. Especially ones involving the heart."

"Hmph," he muttered as he pulled at the front of his hair. "Easy for you to say. You've never been in my situation before, have you?"

Just then, he overheard some servants gossiping about through the door.

"Oh my goodness, didn't you hear?" replied a servant.

"No, what?" asked another.

"I heard the princess is sick. She stayed out on her balcony in the rain. The poor princess, she must be miserable."

"No way. It has been a long time since she got sick."

"Yeah, I know. The princess must have been upset over something for something like that to happen. I wonder what."

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