Chapter 17. I Left.

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After a few days.

Damiano's pov

We woke up pretty late I think around one or two pm, last night, I had a whole day planned for us today full of different activities, but because we slept a lot, our only movements were cuddling and eating. Jacob was gone since last night, yesterday, he mentioned having a date, and knowing that he's not home yet, I can only guess that the date was a huge success.

Luciana: Baby???

" Yes, sweetheart? What is it?

Luciana: I'm hungry...

What do you want to eat?

Luciana: Hmm... maybe... some pasta??

- Your favorite one?

Luciana: Yes!!!

- Okay, I'm on my way.
I said softly, kissing her forehead and getting out of bed.
It's already 6.30 pm, and Jakob is yet not back, I grabbed my phone from the side pocket of my gray sweatpants and started texting Lu's brother.

Lu's big brother🤗🫡

Hey, dude, when are you coming back, your sister is getting worried.

Hey, man, filming is getting out of the schedule, but I'll try my best to come home as soon as I can. Give a hug and a kiss to Lu for me, okay?

I understand. Take all the time you need and yes, I'll do it, don't worry.

Great, thanks, man.

No worries.

After texting a bit with Jacob, I started making Fettuccine Alfredo, while I was still working on a sauce, I saw my girlfriend coming down the stairs wearing nothing just my t-shirt. Her belly is getting bigger and more visible, I love it, she looks even more beautiful, I didn't even know that it was possible. Turns out, it is. She jumped and sat on the counter next to where I was working. Lu looked at me with heart and passion-filled sight, what can I help you with? - She kindly asked. - Nothing, honey, I'm pretty much done.
Alright - she said while jumping off the counter and making her way to the sofa where she lay down. I took the plates out from the cupboard, added pasta, sprinkled some more cheese on top, and took the plates to the couch where my gorgeous pregnant girlfriend was lying.

- Baby, pasta is done, let's eat.

Luciana: I'm not hungry.

- Honey, let's eat, I know that you are hungry, our baby needs food, and besides, I made your favorite, please, baby. Look, either you eat by yourself or I'll have to feed you myself.

Luciana: Fine fine, I'll eat, just stop.

- How is it?

Luciana: It's good, thanks.

- You're welcome, my love.

Luciana: Do you still find me sexy and attractive?
She suddenly asked looking down at her plate full of pasta while avoiding eye contact with me. I was really shocked by her impulsive question, I never thought that she would even ask this, in my head the answer is clear, but turns out that she needs reassurance and I will reassure her even if it will be the last thing I'll have to do.
- Baby, of course, I find you sexy and attractive, you are the most beautiful young woman I have ever seen in my life. Please don't ever doubt your beauty, I love you both so much, you're both the love of my life and I'll never leave you both.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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