𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏

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"Watch out!" Pitch black. Everything. There was a very loud ringing surrounding me and whatever I did...it wouldn't stop. I covered my ears and I turned around looking to see where I was. As the ringing got louder and louder so did my breathing. My chest rising and falling and the finally the ringing...stopped. Dead silent. 

"What?" I mumbled under my breath. I suddenly felt myself being jolted back and then slammed against a wall. My eyes fluttered then I black out.

"Iyella...Iyella!!!" My eyes slowly opened but immediately went squinting due to all the bright lights. I saw a figure standing over me. "Iyella?" The same voice. When my vision cleared I saw Alexis. My Aunt, and the nurse. I treat her more like a best friend since she's close to my age. She's 5 '9 and 33 years old. She has light brown hair that goes to her shoulders, and an almost pale white skin color. Lex's eyes are a light brown to match with the rest of her.

"What?" I grumbled, irritated at the constant call of my name. I tried sitting up but instantly winced at the throbbing pain in my head and my ribs, falling back to the laid down position. "What happened? I asked, my gaze falling onto Lexi.

"The system malfunctioned and one of the support beams unclasped and came crashing down on you" I heard the words but I didn't see Lex's mouth moving. I turn my head to the right and see Rowan, leaning against the wall only a few feet away from me. That's when I really took in consideration where I was. I was in Med Bay. Contrary to most Med Bay facilities and their red decorations, this particular one had gray outlines or what other people call them, the rims, on the ceiling and the floor. The ceiling itself was white as well as the floor and the walls. There were about 8 beds lined up against the wall on the left and another 8 on the right. All the beds had dark gray covers, 4 wheels, and the hooks in the back to push up or down the back rest. At the very end of the room there were a bunch of machines. There was one x-ray machine laid at the end right side, and one at the end of the left. A machine my aunt likes to call the Rainbow is right next to the x-ray on both sides. And in the middle was just a big cabinet with a bunch of drawers. All the drawers held files of everyone in the building that worked there. I was about on the 6th bed on the left side and I was the only one there on a bed.

I snapped back to what was currently going on when I heard his voice. "Of course you couldn't see it since you were stuck in the VR". Rowan?! What is he doing here? He doesn't like me. He despises me. I took a deep breath from reframing from making a remark and as politely as I could I asked.

"What...are you doing here?" I kept my eyes on him, not daring to break first. Rowan is a 27 year old male who has a tall figure and looks built. He has black fluffy hair that falls into his face, his eyes are dark brown, and his skin is a really light tan color. He's about 5 '11, although he claims he's 6 foot. Which he isn't, and he specializes in sword fights. And he's actually good. Surprisingly. 

"How else would you have gotten here?" he replied. "I carried you here since I was in the hidey hole" he added, as if it was obvious. The hidey hole was a little dim room with a two way mirror that leads into a bigger room where I was. The Spectrum, where I was, is this big room where all the walls, floors, and ceiling are covered in white squares and black outlines. On the ceiling there are wires dangling that travel all around the room. When someone goes in there all the doors need to be locked and the person needs to attach themselves to the wires and place the VR goggles on as well. The Spectrum is basically just an area where anyone can practice their skills. It creates a real world scenario and you have to beat it. It's basically like someone going to the gym to work out. You can adjust the setting to the Spectrum to where it can create a scenario where you have to physically fight, or where you have to use your brains to escape someplace, or hack something.

I break eye contact from Rowan and look at Lex. "Can I go?" I mumble. Lex shook her head.

"I need to test you with the rainbow then with the results I'll let you go if not" she smiled and pushed down the metal bars on the side of my bed. Lex is an overly happy person. There could be something serious going on and she would still find something positive out of it.

"I'm fine" I scoffed, sitting up reluctantly but struggling. Lex placed her hand on my back gently and slowly helping me sit up. I winced a little and I heard Lex chuckled.

"Yeah! Definitely fine" Lex mimicked. As I swung my legs to the side of the bed I felt another hand on my back and another under my forearm. I looked over and saw Rowan already looking at me and helping me up to my feet.

"Easy Crawford" Rowan said, when I stumbled forward. This time he broke eye contact and looked down to see where I was stepping.

"We need to get her over to that bed" Lex said, pointing to the rainbow. Stepping with my right foot shot pain up my ribs, and each time I would squeeze Rowen's hand.

Finally they helped me sit up on the bed and I laid down myself. The Rainbow was basically just a bed under a tube that had different color filters. The filters looked like the little circle glasses you can take on and off some glasses, just bigger. They slid in and out of the top of the machine and my aunt looked through each one from the side. According to her, each one showed something different and told her what was broken in her body, if she's bleeding internally or externally, if she has any brian injury, and more. When I say 'according to her', it's because she's the only one in the whole building that can understand those filters. They have writings on them and only she can understand them, that's why she is the only nurse. That's her ability, and I'm not joking when I say it's one of a kind.

After a few minutes she finally pulled my bed out from under the machine.

"So luckily the beam didn't hit your head but it did hit your shoulder" she placed her hand on her left shoulder, then turned to the side a little in her rolling chair and she used her index finger to point out the main damage points. "Nothing broken thanks to Remi" she turned her body to face with a small smile on her face. "She was able to lift the beam a little, slowing the impact." she paused and looked at Rowan who had an unreadable expression on his face. "This was so unexpected and fast he sadly wasn't able to push the whole beam out of the way" Lex sighed and then looked back at the machine reading off the words it printed out in some foreign language. "I also saw you hurt your rib from the impact when you hit the floor. It's just some bruising but while it's there it's probably going to feel like something is stabbing into you so applying pressure on your right left may trigger it" Lex made a slight cringe face trying to read my expression as she let that sink in. I let out a breathy sigh. "I'm going to put you in bed rest for at least 3 weeks and a half-"

My head never snapped up so fast. "What?!" I exclaimed. I shook my head slightly, and sat up, pushing through the pain. "No way," I added.

"It's not an option Iya" Lex shot back, narrowing her eyes on me. I groaned and huffed, knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere if I kept bugging. Lex got up and walked over to the closet, coming back with some crutches. "Try your best to keep weight off your right foot alright Love?" Lex told me, helping me stand. She handed me the crutches and she made eye contact with me. "Try to stay in bed as much as you can" she smiled, tucking a few strands of my brown hair behind my ear. She turned her attention to Rowan. "Thank you so much for bringing her here, now if you could only take her to her room please?" Lex asked, walking over to the bed I was at before and cleaning the bedside cabinet.

(A/N: How was the first chapter?)

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