Mother's belonging!

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A/N: Iruma's POV unless said otherwise!

I finally got back after being months on the sea and I am not exagerating if I say, I can't see tuna for the rest of my life again. Not only that but I was really tired and would appreciate to just rest at home again. It's close to 3 years now that I've not been at home. It was just around time to get back. This was why I was really looking forward to get back home and get some cooked food and a nice bed and some blankets, maybe a shower as well. Everything about home was just soo aluring for me. I just missed being home.

I wonder if I still have a room...

I won't mind the couch as well..

Maybe if I ask or if they are not at home, I could even use their master bedroom...

Ah that would be nice!

But before that I definitely need a bath!

I was on my way home thinking about all the relaxing things I could do. For example, I could sit on a coach and watch TV or I could read a book, I might as well just lay lazy around and do nothing as well. That was an option too. Another option that I had was to just do nothing and enjoy my life for once. I was still young but I felt as if I was an old guy. This defintiely was weird and should be the case but oh well... things are just this way. I was not one who could change anything at all.

So while I was thinking about what I had to do while I was at home, I managed to arrive in front of the door to find a letter stuck at the door. 

Me: For Iruma....

This can't be good at all....

What do they want now?

Are they insane to just make me do everything?

This is not fair!

I am a child!

I need some space and time to rest as well!

Just give me a break!

I opened the latter while standing in front of the door. All it said was to clean up the atic since that space will be my new room. Well it wasn't sounding that bad except for the fact that there was for sure no bed at all.

Me: *sigh*

At this point, I was sighing way too muchand I knew it as well. It was just annoying and I was not even mad at them. I was just over it all. 

Alright... let's first get in and get some food before doing anything...

I unlocked the door with the hidden spare key and went straight to the kitchen to get a sandwitch since I was not that hungry and then quickly went to the attic to get everything read for me to stay there. To my surprise it was quite empty and there was a bed up here. It was a bit dusty but it was still pretty good to use so I was quite happy to find it but as I was trying to undust and get the bed ready, I found an old suitcase with my name on it.

Weird... I can't remember having something like this...

My curiosity got the better of me so I opened it up and that was when I realized what this was. My parents already had told me that I was left at an orphanage in a suit case. This was the very suit case they found me with the blanket and a toy that looked like a plush lion with horns. It was pretty cute. As I started to pick it up, a small note fell down and all that was on it was a weird pattern. 

I wonder what this is?

But this plush is cute!

It looks as if it was handmade as well...

This must have been some stuff that mother had left me... before she gave me away...

Why did she even do that....


I am sure there is something that is behind all this!

No one would do this to their child and then go to such a length and put in a note like this and a handmade plush!

Maybe there is something else here as well!

Who knows, maybe no one really looked at all this stuff!

Just like that I started to pull the suitcase appart in a more imaginary sense since I didn't wanted to destroy anything at all. I treasured these things and they just had all become the most precious things I possessed if not the only things I could call my very own.

Huh... there is something in here....

I don't want to rip it open to get to this...

There has to be a way to get to the paper in this inside of the suitcase... maybe a hidden pocket or something like this!

There just has to be a way!

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