Chapter 1

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The only thing that is in the police station as I wait for Officer Marandez, who brought me here. I know you may be wondering "Persephone, what the hell are you doing in the police station?" Well to answer your question my 'dad' died. Apparently he drive off a cliff because he was drunk and driving. Personally I say it's because he's a dumbass.

The reason I'm waiting on the officer is because he was getting the results of the DNA test I took like an hour ago. He asked me to take the test to find any family members I might have. It's pointless though, as I already know I have nobody and that I'm just gonna be placed in an orphanage or something like that.

As I sit in silence, my thoughts are cut off by a knock on the office door. I stare at the door waiting for someone to walk in. I think it's Officer Marandez with the results as this is his office. Not soon after the door opens but not only is it the Officer but he's with some lady.

I look at her for a moment taking in her appearance. She looks like she doesn't wanna be here and wants to go to sleep. Me too girl, me too. After a moment Officer Marandez says "Good news, little one" with a smile. I raise my eye brow waiting for him to say what the 'good news is. He sighs as he knows he's not getting a verbal answer from me. "We have found your father and he's willing to take you in!"

I froze. My fathers dead, isn't that the whole reason I'm here?? "Ain't that amazing, honey?" Says the woman. Rosa I think, that's what her tag says anyways. I gesture for something to write with so I can respond as I don't feel like using my voice at the moment. Rosa hands me a small notepad as she seems to understand my gestures.

"Didn't my father just die? What do you mean you 'found him'?" I wrote on the notepad and then placed it on the desk and turned for them to see. It was silent for a moment but then Rosa spoke, "Oh well that's the thing,hun. He wasn't your real father, he was your Step-father. You didn't know?" I give her a blank look.

If I just asked you that question don't that obviously mean I don't know. I swear this bitch is dumb. I take up the notepad again and write "well obviously not since I just asked what father you're talking about". Officer Marandez chuckles as I show them what I wrote. "She has a point Rosa, it's obvious she didn't know"

Rosa rolls her eyes and glares at Marandez. "Whatever but anyways your father is on his way to come get you. I will come back when he's here." I nod my head and turn grabbing the notepad and asking for some pieces of paper. Officer Marandez hands me a small stack so that I am occupied and a pencil, I nod my head as a sign of my gratitude. After our small exchange they leave the room.

About 2-3 hours later and about 16 pages of paper full of drawings there is a knock heard. I turn my head towards the door and it opens. In walks Rosa, Officer Marandez and a tall man about 6 foot... 8? As I take in his features I conclude he must be my father. I know I'm half Italian so he could be. The strange man walks towards me and kneels.

"Mio Bambina..." he whispers, voice creaking ever so slightly. "Hello, princess. I'm Alexander Amato, your father." I wave and sign hoping he can understand me. "Hello, I'm Persephone" His eyes widen a little and he chuckles "I know your name, I'm your father aren't I?" "Idk are you?" I sign with a raise of my eye brow. "You have a sense of humor, I think you and Micha are gonna get along just fine."

I look at him weirdly not knowing who the hell Micha is but nod. He reaches to take my hand but I pull away not wanting to be touch. He frowns but then backs up and stands up, "Can I take her now?" He asks as he shifts his gaze from me to Officer Marandez who nods. "You can take her but Ms.Rosa here will check in on her in a month to see how she's doing in your home." "Is that fine with you Mr.Amato?" Asks Rosa. My father nods and says "Yes, thank you for letting me know. We will be in our way now"

He signals for me to stand and asks where my things are. I point to the small bag on my shoulder and he asks "Is that all? Did you have time to grab everything you needed from where you were living?" I nod and he sighs "We will go shopping tomorrow or some time soon so we can get you everything you need" I nod and he leads me to a car. More specifically a 2024 all black Ferrari Purosangue. It's fucking beautiful.

"You like cars?" Asks Alexander. I nod and he nods probably making a mental note and opens the door for me. I get in and he drives to what seems to be and airport. I look at him and he says "I live in New York so we have to fly over there." He states as we board a privet plane. "It's about a 2 and a half hour flight so I suggest getting some sleep" I nod and sit down in the comfortable plane seat and rest my head against the window.

The plane takes off not long after we are seated and I rest my head against the window. Goodbye Orlando and Hello New York. That was my last thought as I drift off to sleep.

So this is my second book you can say, I didn't like the first so I deleted it. I thought I might try again so I made this. I hope you like it, if you see anything that needs to be corrected lemme know. Also I would like to know your opinions so far even though it's the first chapter. HAVE A NICE DAY!! 🫶🏾

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