Chapter 8

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"PERSEPHONEEEEE" I flinch slightly and turn with an eyebrow raised. "Do you wanna hang out with meeeee? Our brothers are all being boring and I'm bored soooo- yessss or nooooo??" I smile at how goofy he is and think for a second.

Hanging out with him should be fun he had a lot of energy and I kinda want to get to know him so yea. I nod and he smiles grabbing my hand pulling me to the gaming room. "You know how to play Mortal Kombat?"

I do know how but I want to surprise him so I shake my head. "Oh, well it's really easy so just press random buttons and you should be fine" I nod and we start the game. He chooses Baraka and I look at him with utter disgust bc out of all people him??? I shake my head and chose Kitana because why not.

The game starts and I let him win the first round. "Dang baby sis, you suck at this" see I was gonna let him win all round but just for that I decide not to go easy on him. The next round I let him think he's gonna win and then BOOM. I go all out on his bitch ass.

He looks at me in shock "HOW DID YOU DO THAT" I just smirk and look at the game as the next round starts. He's trying his best to beat me and I'm just messing around. Eventually I get tired of blocking his attacks and just beat his ass.

"Bro... THATS IMPOSIBLE. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU BEAT ME??" I shrug and leave the game room looking for someone else to hang with. I think for a minute and go outside to the basketball court. I see Xander and he's playing Basketball with Mason.

I walk up to them and wave. They stop and look at me. "What's up? You need something" I shake my head and shrug at Xander cause he's the one who said that. "You wanna play?" I think for a second and look at Mason who just spoke and nod.

"Ight but lemme call the others, this can be like a bonding type thing ig" I nod and they call the others and eventually they all come outside, dad too. "Why did you call all of us out here, some of us have things to do and are busy." Ares says rolling his eyes.

"Well little Persephone here wants to play basketball with us and we thought it would be a good bonding go moment so wanna join?" I glare at Mason because I am not little they are just fucking huge. I punch him in his arm and walk away so I can change.

"You don't wanna play anymore?" Elija asked 'I can't play in jeans and I don't think you can play in a suit either' I sign back. He nods and I guess tells the others because they look at their clothes and start walking to the house.

I go to my room and look through my bag and see my shorts. We'll technically I stole them from Adrien last time I was over there. I put them on along with a cropped tank top and as I was about to walk out I remember all my scars.

Her outfit⬇️

   How to deal with that

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How to deal with that... I stand there and think for a minute and out on my waterproof foundation on all my scars and bruises. Once I'm done with that I exit my room and prepare to beat all their asses.

I go outside and see all of them waiting for me. I see my dad and even he's in something other than a suit. I make my way to the basketball court see that they are warming up.
Ares notices me first and says "nice shoes but how did you get those"

Her shoes⬇️

    I look down and see that they're the shoes that Chatri literally FORCED me to take

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I look down and see that they're the shoes that Chatri literally FORCED me to take. They haven't even come out yet and he got them for me. To be honest they were at the bottom of my bag I forgot I had them. I shrug and gesture to start the game so that I don't have to answer the question.



"WE ARE THE BEST AT BASKETBALL" Xander also scream

"Stop fucking yelling just because y'all suck ass" Ares responded to the two raging brothers

"You're only saying that cause you were on her team! It's not fairrrr" Micha whined

"It's not her fault y'all suck" Elija said chuckling walking over to me.

"Where the hell did you learned to play like that" my dad asked staring at me in shock. I shrugged 'a friend' I signed while making my way to the house so I can shower and take a nap.


Ok so this is the end of this chapter. It probably doesn't make sense but please bear with me. I promise it's gonna get better, also if there's any ideas as to what should happen next please let me know. HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! 🫶🏾

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