Chapter 2

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I was in my office when I received a phone call. The area code is from Orlando which confuses me as I don't remember knowing anyone from over there. I answer the phone, "Hello, Is this Alexander Amato?" It sounds like a woman, now I'm really confused. "This is he, how may I help you?" I respond trying to figure out what the hell they want.

"I am Rosa and i am here with Officer Marandez in Orlando, Florida. We have recently taken a DNA test of a young girl who's guardan just recently passed away due to a.. car accident." My heart dropped. Is it possible they have found my bambina? I quickly gather myself and sit up in my chair. "Okay, what has this got to do with me?" I say, hoping that what I thought is correct.

A different voice answers me this time "It turns out that the young girls DNA match's with yours, meaning you are her father and only person that can take her. Though if you don't wish to take her she will be placed in an Orphanage." I'm guessing thats Marandez but putting that thought aside I answer "I would love to take her in, but are you positive that she's mine?"

I don't want this to be another false alarm, I wouldn't be the first time. Over the past couple years I have gotten tons of calls saying they found my daughter but in all reality it's just some people who wanted money. I knew they weren't my daughter because my Principessa has heterochromia, one hazel and one greenish-blueish eye.

I snap out my thoughts as I remember I'm still on the phone. "Yes, we are positive but if you want we can send you a picture of her" "Okay. While you do that I will arrange a flight for me to come get her." I hear an okay and hang up the phone. I call one of my guards to arrange a flight to Orlando. As I get to go tell my boys the news I hear a ping and I receive a photo.

It is her. She looks so much like Xander, which is expected cause that is her twin. All though what surprises me the most is that she resembles her mother the most out of both of us, and her eyes. Her eyes resemble both mine and her mothers. She has her moms long curly hair and brown skin. She has my greenish-blueish eye and her mothers brown hazelnut eye.

I snap out my thoughts and go downstairs where my boys are waiting for me. I know they are because while I asked the guard to arrange my plane I also told him to call my boys into the living room. As I walk into the room all conversations stop and they all look at me.

  "I have good news that I think you all would like to know." I state with a hint of enthusiasm in my voice. Mason raises his eye brow and says "well spit it out then old man" "Watch how you talk to and I'm not old I'm only 44" I say rolling my eyes. My oldest, Ares, then says "Well what is it father, we would all love to know quickly as some of us have things to do." Very impatiently I might add, he gets that from his momma not me. (He totally gets it from me)

"I found Persephone." After I said that it was SILENT. When I say silent I mean you could hear a pin drop on the hard marble floor. We stay there for a minute in an uncomfortable silence. Which is stoped by Xander who says "You're lying. You have to be" "No, Im actually going to Orlando to go get her. Would you guys like to see what she looks like now or when she gets here?"

After I said that they all SCREAMED. "NOW." Which really hurt my ear drums, "See just for y'all screaming in my ear, y'all gonna wait till I get back" I then walked out of the living room that's now filled with 5 angry 6 foot boys but I could care less. With the thought of my bambina I get into the car which had my driver, Charles, in it and tell him to drive me to my airport.

Soon enough I'm on the plane and my thoughts think about how my daughter is. If she's okay, what she like and stuff like that. I really hope she isn't one of those bratty little girls cause that's not gonna end well with her brothers. I open my laptop and start looking through my emails with one thought in mind.

Mio Principessa, is coming home.


This chapter takes place during the time that Persephone is in the police office and before her father gets there. Just wanted to make sure y'all are aware of that. If y'all think any changes need to be made please let me know and any ideas for future chapters are welcome. HAVE AN AMAZING DAYYYY!! 🫶🏾

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