Chapter 4

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     When I step out the car I see a hugeeee mansion. It's about 30x the size of my house back in Orlando. My father leads me through the basketball court and up the steps into the house. As we enter the house he takes his shoes off and I follow his movements removing mine. As soon as our shoes are off we hear what sounds like a stampede coming down the stairs.

   I take a step so that I am behind my father and he chuckles and then says "Stop running in my house before I make you run 100 laps around the house" Almost immediately the running stops and there's 5 boys in front of us. I don't think they can see me but I can see them. "Father. Where is she?" One of the 5 say, he has long curly blond hair that is tied in the back. "Yea! I wanna see my sister" another one says, he has dreads that are half pink and half black.

  After that statement I hear everyone else agree. "She's behind me, you imbeciles scared her with your loud as-apple slice feet" my father says. Ain't no way bro just said apple slice- what am I, 5?  I step to the side and side eye him then start signing 'You do know you can cuss right? I'm not 5 years old, I'm 17'

  His eyes widen a little bit and he looks confused. "I only know a little bit of sign language..." he says and looks at one of the boys who resemble him the most. "She said 'You do know you can cuss right? I'm not 5 years old, I'm 17'" "ohh thank you Elija and Persephone I don't want to corrupt your innocent little mind so the boys nor I will be cussing...around you anyways" he says whispering the last part.

  I side eye him and shake my head finally looking up and studying the 5 boys in front of me. I look at all of them closely and then my eyes land on the last one, he looks just like me almost identical but we are siblings so of course. I shake my head free of the thoughts about how similar we look. 'Are y'all going to introduce yourselves or what?' I sign mainly to Elija seeming as which he seems to be he only fluent one here

    He nods and says "Guys let's introduce ourselves from oldest to youngest" they all nod and then the Tall, curly blond one from earlier says "I'm Ares, 22, your oldest brother. It's a pleasure to have you back, bambina." I nod and look at the next person, Elija. "I'm Elija, 20 and I'm your second oldest. I've miss you, Stella." He says with a slight smile. I smile back slightly and move onto the next person

    He's dark brown skin and has his black dread in a half up half down style "Mason, 18. 3rd oldest and this idiots twin. I'm the older one and it's good to have you back" he says nonchalantly. I nod and the next person is his twin the one who has pink and black dreads that are let down "I'm Micha, 18, and the 4th oldest. I'm also the funniest out of all of them. I can't wait to get to know you!" He says smiling. I smile back slightly, think I'm gonna like him.

  The last person, and the one that looks the most like me has short, black, curly hair "Xander, 17, 5th oldest and also your twin.. I missed you, it's great to have you back" he says with a small smile. I smile back and sign 'Hi, I'm Persephone, 17, youngest I'm guessing. Nice to meet you, hope I can get to know you all better" I look at Elija to translate what I said and he did.

   When he was done they all smiled and came towards me and asked if they could hug me. I hesitate but nod not trying to be rude. One by one they all came and gave me hugs which I returned and then father said "Can one of you take her to her room. Also either later or tomorrow y'all are taking her to the mall to get clothes and stuff to decorate her room."

They nod and Micha offers to take me to which I nod and follow him he leads me up the stairs and to the last door down the hall. "This is your room. We can go tomorrow because it's going to be Saturday and Xander is going to come and get you later to give you a tour around the house."  I nod and go in my room looking around. Wow it's huge, I have my own bathroom, a walk in closet, and own living room, it's great but not as great as HIS.

    I put my stuff down and take a much needed shower and then change into sweatpants and a hoodie. I grab my phone and put it on charge next to my bed so I can call HIM when it's charged. I lay down and drift off to sleep with one thing on my mind

  I hope everything works out fine here.


I hope y'all liked this chapter. If y'all think anything needs to be changed or anything like that let me know! HAVE A LOVELY DAY!!🫶🏾

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