Chapter 3

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  I am currently on a plane to New York. My princess now with me after all these years. I look over at where she's sitting, which is right across from me, and realize that she's now sleeping like I suggested. It's hard to believe that she here now. After 14 years of looking for her, she's finally with me. Even though I'm supposed to be happy, which I am, I can't help but think something is wrong with her. I Can feel it.

  She is very closed off from what I can tell. She doesn't talk much or at all for that matter and prefers to write or sign. I'm not sure if she's mute or just not comfortable with me. I can't blame her if she isn't comfortable with me, I have only met her an hour ago. I really hope that she talks to me soon and I can get to know her.

  I close my laptop which I was on completing work I didn't finish in my earlier flight and get up to grab her a blanket since it is quite cold on the plane. I grab a blanket that was given to me by a flight attendant and gently place it on her. Her eyes snap open as I am fixing the blanket and she moves away from me.

  I was about to ask what was wrong but then she noticed the blanket. She calms now and signs a quick 'thank you' and I get up to go back to my seat.  As I get up she moves, I think in an attempt to get comfortable but stops and winces not long after. I freeze. Why did she wince? Is she hurt?

  "What's wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head meaning nothing. I hesitantly nod and go back to my seat and decide I'm gonna go to sleep when she goes back to sleep because there's still like 2 hours left of this flight. It didn't take long for her to go back to sleep and after she does, I slowly start dozing off.

TIME SKIP- Flights over


Im startled awake by a hand on my shoulder. I jolt up out of my seat and back up only to realize it's Alexander aka my father. I calm down knowing he won't hurt me, well at least I think so. He frowns but then quickly recomposes his posture and says "The flights ended, time to go home"

I nod and grab my bag following him off the plane. As we get off the plane he leads me to a car not the same one I was previously in. He leads me to a light blue Lambo. I can't really tell what model it is because I'm still kinda tired but it's cool. He opens my door and we get in. He tells me it's gonna be a 30 minute drive to the house so I can take a quick nap if I'm tired.

I don't say anything and just nod looking out the window at my surroundings. The drive went by quickly much to my surprise. I saw a lot of places that looked cool maybe I could visit one day. I am drawn out my thoughts by my father as he opens my door.

    "Welcome home, Bambina"


  Okay y'all this the 3rd chapter how y'all liking it so far? Ima try and write the next chapter as quickly as I can. If you see any mistakes or anything y'all think I should change, lemme know. HAVE A GREAT DAYYY! 🫶🏾

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