Chapter 6: As your friend, I'm concerned for your health

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Author's note: like all the art that I made for this fic?


It was Monday morning at Siclica University of Arts when she saw Luke again.

He ran up to her at lightning speed and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Meggy, holy fuck!" He said out of breath.

Meggy stared at him. "Luke?" She began, tilting her head. "Did you stay up all night again?"

Luke shook his head. "No, for once."

Meggy deadpanned, she didn't believe that for a second.

"Mario was right!" Luke blurted out.

Meggy narrowed her eyes. "Right about what? Today's lunch?" She let out a quick chuckle. " Mario and right don't belong in a sentence unless it's negative."

"I saw him again, the man who saved me." Luke revealed.

"Really? Where?" Meggy asked.

"Well... a bat flew into my window-"

Meggy interrupted. "But bats don't live out here."

Luke nodded. "Exactly, I brought the guy inside and took care of him. Then, when I had my back turned. The bat turned out to be the guy who saved my life!"

Meggy frowned. "Luke, are you pranking me right now? 'Cause this isn't really funny."

"Huh?" Luke finally let go of Meggy's shoulders.

Meggy noticed the bags under Luke's eyes, it wasn't the first time Luke had stayed up all night and began to lose a sense of reality.

"I mean. Vampires, what is this; Twilight?" Meggy put her hand to her hip.

Luke cringed at the mention of that movie. "Never bring up that heterosexual disaster of a movie franchise ever again."

"Luke as your good friend, I'm really concerned for your health." Meggy stated. "Please tell me the truth."

Luke huffed, he tighten his fists. "I am telling the truth!" He grabbed Meggy's shoulders again. "And I kissed him... on. the. lips." His eyes sparkled as he stated at that last sentence.

Meggy picked up Luke's hands off her shoulders. Yeah, he stayed up all night again.

"Shouldn't you two be headed towards class?" A voice behind Luke asked.

Luke and Meggy faced where they heard the voice.

It was an older gentleman with short faded teal hair, he wore small round glasses on his face, along with a light brown sweater vest and darker khakis, his red scarf hung loose around his neck. His arms were crossed, and he looked at the two students with a stern look. 

Meggy grabbed Luke's hand. "Sorry, Mr. Unus. We were just on are way." She pulled Luke along.

Mr. Unus watched the two head to their class, once they were out of sight his stern face became one of concern. 


"What!? Mario was right?!" Mario eyes teared up. "I never thought this day would come."

Meggy rolled her eyes, "No, Red, Luke here just didn't get any sleep! Again..."

It was a free period for the three of them before they had their next class. Mario as always had his signature spaghetti. With Luke eating his sandwich made by his older brother and Meggy having some ramen, the only thing she could cook without starting a fire. 

Mario looked down. "Mama Mia." He said with sadness. 

Luke puffed up like a wet cat. "I'm telling you guys the truth! I did see him again!" 

"Glitchy, did you get any sleep?" Mario seemed to noticed Luke's eyebags.

Luke flinched. "Of course, I did." Luke rubbed his head. "What would make you guys believe that I'm telling the truth?"

"Proof." Mario said without second thought.

Meggy sighed. "Well, there's nothing really." She slammed her hands on the table. "Because there's no such thing as vampires!"

Luke finally decided to give up. Good. Meggy wasn't sure how much she could take Luke talking about vampires like everyone talking about Twilight back in elementary school.

After all, if vampires were real. Wouldn't there be proof?

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