Chapter 9: Late night boyfriend

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Author's note: I rewrote this chapter mainly because I didn't like how it was turning out. I like this version better.


After while in their group silence, curiosity got the better of Terrance. "So, what happened after you got attacked?" The text to speech app buzzed through the silence. "You left around 11: 50 and didn't come back until 1. So, what happened?"

Everyone had their eyes on Three now. Three gulped, Goddammit! Why was he nervous all of a sudden?

"I got lost in the city, I don't know for how long, but I got lost." Three rubbed the back of his neck.

"How the fuck did you get lost? You've been living next to the city for almost twelve years?!" Desti tried to wrap her head around on he just said.

Three let out a tiny huff. "Hey! You try being injured and trying to find your way back home."

"Guys, please." Melody pleaded to her friends.

 Three shook off Desti's comment and got back to telling his story. "Any ways, I found myself more exhausted than I thought and flew into the side of an apartment building."

Axol and Melody flinched at the thought of that, while Desti snickered a little.

"I passed out and when I awoke, I was in the human's room."

Melody gasped. "Was it the same human you recused a few nights back?" Her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Three felt his face blush. "Yeah, it was. What are the odds, am I right?"

"How did you get out of there without alerting the human?" Axol asked.

Three looked away, rubbing the back of his neck again. "Uh, I didn't." 

"What?!" Desti, Axol, and Melody shouted, waking Eggy from her nap. Terrance had a shocked look on his face, similar to the shocked Pikachu meme. 

Three flinched from the sudden loudness. "Yeah, I tried escaping while he had his back turn, instead he spotted me, and we both ran towards the door. Then I- I..." If Three was human at that moment, his face would be completely red.

Terrance made his two hands kiss, trying to imply on what happened next.

Desti giggled. "Oh, I see now." Three put his head into his hands.

"How did you go from escaping, to kissing?" Axol was holding back laughter from all of this. Melody's eyes were as bright as stars.

Three fake coughed. "I, uh... Well, we got into a scuffle, and I... pinned him to the wall." He said that last part very quietly, realizing only now that it sounded kind of gay.

"So, you kissed him to escape?" Melody asked with slight disappointment.

"He kissed me." Three said. He should've just lied and just stuck to getting lost.

Desti nudged his shoulder. "Oh yeah? Did you kiss back?" She teased.

Three got up from the windowsill. "Okay! That's enough of that!" 

"Wha- Hey!" Desti went after him. "Why are you avoiding this?"

Three didn't respond. 

"Three, it's okay if you like the human, you don't need to feel embarrassed about it." Melody reassured him.

"Glitchy..." Three said quietly.


"His name is Glitchy... I overheard him talking to someone on the phone." Three explained. 

"Who name's their child Glitchy? Are you sure it's not just a nickname?" Desti asked.

Three shrugged. "He didn't object me calling him that."

"Are you going to see him again?" Terrance asked. 

Three wanted to, he really wanted to. But... "I don't know the first thing about dating, I don't think I ever had a relationship like this before."

"Well, even if it's slightly different from ours. Mel and I would be happy to give you some advice." Axol wrapped his arm around his girlfriend.

Three smiled. "Thanks guys."


Three flew into the night, technically he never asked Glitchy on any date. Heck, he didn't even get a phone number.

But, Three remembered where he lived. So that's a start. 

He landed on the platform to see Glitchy on his bed, writing something down in his notebook.

Three shifted into his human form, with fresh clothes. A studded black jacket with a purple shirt with a skull on the front, ripped black jeans, chains hanging from his pants and belt, a red belt around his waist and his icon steel-toe boots. 

He knocked on the glass door, he nervously bit his lip. An old habit of his.

Glitchy looked up to see him at the door. Three almost chuckled at the human's face going completely red. 

Glitchy open the door. "Th- Three!" He awkwardly leaned on the door. "I didn't expect to see you here so soon." Glitchy ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, I would have given you a call." Three leaned in closer. "But I don't have your number." Three winked.

Glitchy's face became red again. He coughed into his fist. 

"How about we talk inside?"

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